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Dating Guide

What Happens When You Use Quotes From The Bachelor on Dates

One D staffer did just this, and it turned out even better than you'd expect.
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The launch of our Dallas Dating Guide has spurred conversations throughout the D Magazine office about the ups and downs of finding your other half in our city. That’s how we learned of one brilliant woman’s unique method for livening up dates: She uses lines from ABC reality TV show The Bachelor on unsuspecting gentlemen.

Even if you — like me — refuse to watch this weekly debacle, you’ve likely heard some of the borderline-insane things men and women have said to one another throughout the show’s 20 seasons, whether that’s been through morning show clips or gifs plastered on your Facebook and Twitter feeds.

This D staffer, who asked that we conceal her identity so as to preserve the element of surprise when she employs this strategy herself in future, shared some of her favorite lines and explains how (and why) she’s worked these musings into date-night conversations.

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OK. First things first, do you watch The Bachelor? Are you as obsessed as some of my friends?

Not really. I watch it when there’s a girls’ night, but I’m not locked to my TV every Monday night. During college, the sorority house would all watch together — but that was years ago. Our lives have changed in many ways since college, but this show has been a bonding thing — something silly and light-hearted we can talk about, and a great excuse for us to all get back together.

What inspired you to start doing this? Why are you doing it? What have you gained from this?

I’m 27 years old. This is my last chance to fall in love.

Just kidding! Actually, I started doing it with my interns at work events or when I was in a long meeting. It was just something silly and entertaining. I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to do on a date. But can I be completely honest?

Of course.                                             

Let’s be serious: dating sometimes sucks. And I’m an anxious person by nature, so it can really suck. Trying to drop random lines was oddly calming and very entertaining — especially on the boring dates, or when you don’t think your date is paying attention or is there for the right reason.

It’s not that I’ve gained anything from it. I started doing it because dating in Dallas, and in general, sucks. This is kind of a way to test that, you know? Listen, if someone is annoyed by a Bachelor quote, then — bottom line — we are not going to work. I say dumb things. A lot. I need to date someone who will roll with it. It’s a chance to see their personality and how they handle things. It’s a good way to have a quick, accelerated peek at their disposition. If you get mad or irritated at my lines (like one guy did), then we’re probably not going to work anyway!

Some of the things women say on this show are borderline insane. Was it kind of hard, at first, to get the quote out without laughing? How do you keep your game face?


So at what point in the date do you start dropping these quotes? What’s your strategy for working them into conversation?

I have zero strategy. Like I said, I say dumb things a lot and am usually anxious. One thing I’ve realized (in dating and life) is if you say something with confidence, people think you know what you’re talking about. Finding the perfect moment is also helpful.

Example: I was on a second date with this guy. We were trying to decide between two bottles of sake, so the waiter put both bottles on the table and poured each of us a glass.

We had a hidden, corner table at one of my favorite restaurants. The lighting was just right. By all accounts, my date was doing a pretty good job of selling himself. So when he asked me which sake I preferred, it was a perfect moment to lean toward him (and over the bottles) and say, “I didn’t realize I could be in love with two things at the same time.” He looked at me a little confused, so I followed up with, “I just didn’t realize it would be this hard. You choose.”

What’s been your favorite quote so far?

That’s tough. I like to throw out a few easy lines like, “Can I steal you for a minute?” or “My/Your walls are really starting to come down.”

But then it’s always fun to see if you can sneak in a line like, “We’re in Dallas, the most romantic city in the world,” or “I’m really starting to feel something.” (That’s a good one to use after a second martini.) No one has ever called me out for those but, more than likely, there is a brief pause before they respond.

Do men catch on easily? What have been their reactions?

Totally depends on the guy. Some haven’t noticed. One did NOT think it was funny. I’ve gone out with a few guys who thought I was crazy. (Apparently dropping the word “love” on a first date makes people uncomfortable.) Only one guy actually realized what I was doing — and he started playing along.

I’ve noticed it depends on their personality or age. The guy who caught on is closer to my age, but he also has a funny, joking personality. The guy who got annoyed was a little older. But, like I said, I think it depends on the guy’s personality.

What’s been your most surprising moment from this experience?

I’ve realized I’m ready to fall in love. And I can be very serious after a glass — or five — of wine.

Do you have a quote you haven’t used yet that you’d like to?

There’s one contestant this season, JoJo Fletcher from Dallas, who met the guy while wearing a unicorn mask. She takes off the mask and says, “So unicorns do exist. I think I’m yours.” I’ll try that sometime … no idea how to slide that in, but I’ll try.

Do you think you’ll keep doing this?

I really don’t like group dates, but how about we go on a double date and play for points. Then you tell me: Would you play again?

Note: There are 11 “Bachelor” quotes hidden within this Q&A. Can you spot them?

Dallas Dating Guide
