Sunday, June 16, 2024 Jun 16, 2024
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Health & Fitness

The Most Important Meal: Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Day 4 of our weeklong salute to breakfast.
photo by Kimberly Duffy

We hope you’ve been enjoying our weeklong series featuring all the delicious and nutritious breakfasts that can be mined from one $25 trip to the grocery store. We’ve already made this and this and treated ourselves to this.

But maybe you’re more of a breakfast-on-the-go sort? You need something you can scarf down as you grumble your way through morning traffic? Well, we’re glad you asked.

Try this simple option:


Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

2 tablespoons of peanut butter
1 frozen banana, sliced
1 cup, skim milk

  • In a blender, place peanut butter, milk, and banana. Blend until smooth.
  • Enjoy!