Wednesday, May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024
81° F Dallas, TX

9 Quick Pick Me Ups


1. Smile! It boosts endorphins, lowers the heart rate, and decreases stress.

2. Stand up straight. Throw your shoulders back and your chin up; you’ll not only feel more confident, but you’ll also look it, advises Nancy Campbell, owner of the Campbell Agency.

3. Talk to your doctor about daily supplements. You may be able to correct genetic deficiencies, fortify bones, manage stress, stay healthy, and supplement your diet.

4. Recycle last year’s fashions by asking your tailor or seamstress to alter them to fit this season’s silhouette. A tailor can also custom fit your vintage finds.

5. Trade your soda for green tea. Pascal Cayet, owner of Dallas French bistro Lavendou, suggests green tea to boost metabolism and help burn fat naturally. And it won’t stain your teeth. Lavendou, 19009 Preston Rd., Ste. 200. 972-248-1911.

6. Tired of bad hair days? Indulge in a scalp treatment at your favorite salon. Hot oil or a deep conditioner is followed by a relaxing scalp, neck, and shoulder massage. Your hair will be smooth, shiny, and healthy.

7. The seasons change, so does your skin. You’ll need two facial moisturizers to get you through the year. In the winter use a richer moisturizer to combat chapped skin. In the summer, opt for something lightweight and oil-free.

8. Drink water. Think of it as a magic elixir: Water wards off
illness, moisturizes skin, promotes weight loss, and removes toxins from the body. Individual needs vary, but the old adage of drinking eight, 8-ounce glasses daily remains a good rule of thumb.

9. Trends are fleeting, but “every woman should have a great pair of jeans, a crisp white button-down, and cashmere in her closet,” says Chris McGee, Neiman Marcus Sport Shop manager. Neiman Marcus, 400 NorthPark Center. 214-363-8311.
