Monday, June 17, 2024 Jun 17, 2024
88° F Dallas, TX
Politics & Government

Dwaine Caraway’s Crusade Continues


First it was saggy pants, now it’s ugly storefronts. Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway is doing the little things that make a big difference. (That slogan seems like decades ago, doesn’t it?) I like Caraway’s style. Here, a partial list of suggestions for Caraway’s next cause:

–Drivers who don’t signal.
–Loud talkers.
–People who leave dirty dishes in the sink, when, come on, the dishwasher is right there.
–People who say they’re busy and have to call you right back, but then never do and you wonder if everything’s okay and maybe you should call them back, but then you remember that you don’t like talking on the phone.

As I said, the list is partial. I’m sure you commenters can help.
