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Jo Staffelbach Heinz: Museum Tower Miscue

This situation is a blemish on Dallas real estate development.
Jo Heinz Staffelbach
Jo Heinz Staffelbach

I was shocked to read that the owners of Museum Tower have determined they are going to do nothing about the glare the tower creates. Really? Let me get this straight, this is the Dallas Police and Fire Pension System. They represent the police and the firemen. These are the public servants we trust and respect. The ones we count on to do the right thing. The ones we admire and support. And they’re going to do nothing? Really?

Museum Tower in Dallas
Glare bouncing off Museum Tower in Dallas

This problem is real. It is one that Museum Tower should not run from or sweep under the carpet. Nor should they believe it will just go away. Do they believe we won’t notice?

I’m a believer that one must accept responsibility for your actions, be accountable for your results and take ownership of your outcomes. Although we know that the negotiations have not resulted in a mutually acceptable solution, it does not give the owners the right to walk away. And just because they are selling units is no reason to ignore the issue. It remains prominent in our city.

Have art and culture progressed this far down the line? How many meetings do we need for all to understand that we are a city of the future, we are a model for developing nations, and art and culture play a vital role in this equation. Our behavior is on display.

Ethical behavior is what you do when no one is looking. Integrity is all about what you know you must do to make things right.

This situation is a blemish on Dallas real estate development. Dallas Police and Fire Pension System needs to step to the plate and do the right thing!

Jo Staffelbach Heinz is President and CEO of Dallas-based Staffelbach. Contact her at [email protected].
