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Dallas 500

Meet the Dallas 500: Gabby Everett, BioLabs Pegasus Park

The innovative leader's reference for loud heavy metal, martial arts prowess, and love of astronomy sets her apart. But the success of her company speaks volumes about DFW's growing biotech industry.

Gabby Everett is a rarity in the Dallas biotech scene. While her preference for loud heavy metal, martial arts prowess, and love of astronomy are enough to set this leader apart, the director of business operations and strategy and site head at BioLabs Pegasus Park is often the only woman in meetings of local biotech industry (a status she would like to see change).

The Houston native has led Dallas’ Biolabs venture since its onset to unprecedented success, reflecting the need for biotech startup space and Everett’s skill as an operations leader. She calls herself a river otter because of her love of social interaction and resourcefulness, and those characteristics are also paying off as she guides the leading edge of the North Texas biotech scene. Read more to learn about this dynamic leader.

Birthplace: Houston, Texas

 Education: Texas A&M University (PhD-Biochemistry)

First Job: “My first job was as a cashier in a small-town grocery store. This was before self-check-out was a thing, so people had to come through a line. From that job, I learned the art of meaningful small talk that went beyond one-word answers. I also learned that even the shortest of interactions can have a huge impact on someone’s day. You never know who you are going to meet or what their story is. If you have the opportunity to be kind to someone or make them smile, even if they’re a stranger, take it because it may just brighten their day. “

Best Advice: “Don’t limit your future based on your current experience and situation.”

Destinations of Choice: “Internationally, Prague, hands down. It’s a beautiful city with a rich history. Locally, my backyard with my family, a hot grill, and a cold beer.”

I Collect: “Not sure I want to tell you this, but I’m a nail polish enthusiast. I would paint my nails a different color every day if I had the time!”

Hobby/Passion: “I am a people person and love large group events. I’m able to recharge around people, so I would say networking is a hobby.”

Industry Change: “The lack of female founders and C-suite in biotech. Typically, when I am in a room with biotech CEOs, I am the only woman at the table despite the large number of incredibly talented women in STEM. Finding and breaking down the barriers of entry for women in leadership in our industry is a career goal. My hope is to open as many doors as possible for as many talented people as possible.  

Local Fare: “Shameless plug for a local favorite – Community Brewery on the Pegasus Park campus. Great beer, delicious menu, an amazing staff, and a chill place for a happy hour or business meeting! Tell them Gabby sent you.”

Guilty Pleasure: “Skittles and fruit snacks.”

Fun Facts: “I’m a metalhead—the louder, the better. I also have a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, and Japanese Jiu Jitsu, and just earned my yellow belt in Krav Maga. Additionally, I’m a football fanatic and am tuned into sports radio from August to February. Thank you, 105.3 The Fan, for keeping me up to date (TOLO, baby)!”

Go-to Adviser: “I have many mentors in many areas, including leadership, business strategy, and VC. There are so many amazing professionals in Dallas, and I am constantly sharpening my saw. I can’t name one without naming them all, and they’ve been imperative to my professional and personal development. They know who they are, and they are loved.”

Toughest Challenge: “Navigating tough personalities in leadership positions is always a challenge in any industry. I overcame my challenges by doing extensive homework and being resolute in my knowledge and competence. That homework ranged from the subject matter to areas of emotional intelligence and conflict resolution. Being told you’ll never be a leader can be very motivating.”

First Car: “A 1994 white Dodge Spirit. I got it from an auction. It overheated (a lot), but it had good tires.”

Biggest Success: “BioLabs Pegasus Park has reached 85 percent occupancy in our first year of operation. We have 24 companies that range from cancer therapeutics to wearable medical devices. Those companies have come together to create a thriving community to support each other.”

A Better DFW: “Since North Texas is one of the country’s largest metroplexes, it’s easy to silo ourselves. We’re working to blur the lines between the individual municipalities with the help of amazing groups like the Dallas Regional Chamber (shout out to Kelly Cloud and her team).”

Walk-Up Song:” ‘Jump Around’ by House of Pain (radio edit, of course).”

Must Read/Must Listen: “Presence by Amy Cuddy is a tie with Start With Why by Simon Sinek. Presence is a personal development guidebook, and Start with Why should be a north star for every professional.” 

Spirit Animal: “I’ve done some market research (meaning I’ve asked friends and colleagues), and I would be best represented by a river otter. They are playful, social creatures and love basking in the sunshine. They’re also intelligent and are known for being resourceful.”

Alternate Reality: “I am an absolute space nut. If I wasn’t in biotech, I would be an astronomer. As a kid, I loved trips to NASA and the Johnson Space Center in Houston.”

Key Strategies: “Actively listening to your team and asking for candid, honest feedback. An environment where people don’t feel safe expressing opinions creates blind spots. A great way to eliminate blind spots is to surround yourself with a group of people who are looking out for each other.”

Future Forecast: “We are experiencing a biotech boom in North Texas! The boom is being fueled by game-changing spinouts from our top-tier research institutions, the influx of investment dollars, and the direct cooperation of the entire region. We are attracting companies and talent from all over the country because people know that everything is bigger in Texas, including our appetite to support biotech.”


Will Maddox

Will Maddox

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Will is the senior writer for D CEO magazine and the editor of D CEO Healthcare. He's written about healthcare…