Monday, June 17, 2024 Jun 17, 2024
81° F Dallas, TX

Leading Off (1/28/11)


No Nudity, Little Profanity, But Someone Lifted Timmy’s Money Clip. That, at least, is what I gleaned from the FrontBurner Live party tweets.

Money Don’t Matter Tonight. But it will if you want to get in to either one of Prince’s two Dallas concerts, since the cheapest option is $12,000 for a table of 6.

Dallas Tries To Maim Lombardi Trophy. It’s true. Dallas tried to maim the Lombardi trophy as former Cowboys wide receiver Drew Pearson was hand delivering it to the NFL Experience. The escalator suddenly stopped, pitching Pearson forward, but he still managed to keep the trophy upright and unharmed. I guess we should be thankful Roy Williams wasn’t delivering it?

Hey, Good News, the Fusion Center Works. Dallas has a Fusion Center, which is basically a place where law enforcement can watch all the cameras, read all the tweets, and any other web chatter that might indicate something is going down. They used it during yesterday’s bomb scare downtown, checking out the shipper and recipient while the bomb squad examined the suspicious package. But still, the name? It seems … weird.

It’s Another Friday, and What Have We Learned? No Doubt isn’t indie music. Seryn is pretty darn good. Dallas needs more strippers. Texas doesn’t cuss enough. What’d I miss?
