Sunday, June 16, 2024 Jun 16, 2024
76° F Dallas, TX

Leading Off (9/29/10)


1. The Wall Street Journal brings us the story of Stephen Brodie, a deaf man wrongfully convicted of a sexual assault 20 years ago. He was set free yesterday thanks to the work of DA Craig Watkins’ Conviction Integrity Unit. You know who found the timing of that release a bit suspicious? Watkins’ opponent, Danny Clancy. He told the WSJ, “I certainly wouldn’t put it past them based on their recent attacks on us to be rolling this out now for their own political gain.” Watkins’ spokesman, Eric Celeste, called Clancy’s remarks “absurd.” Five points off for word choice. That was a perfect opportunity for Celeste to get the word “poppycock” into the WSJ, and he blew it.

2. Speaking of Danny Clancy, yesterday I posted his first campaign commercial. Longtime FrontBurnervian David Burrows noticed that the commercial resembled some others he’s seen on TV recently. Take a look at this bit of genius Photoshop. Ten points for Mr. Burrows for his extracurricular work. Splendid.

3. We should find out today whether DISD Superindentant Michael Hinojosa will take that Vegas job. Yesterday, at a state of the district speech, referring to a three-year contract extension he’s been offered to stay, he said, “I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next 24 to 30 hours, but I was very pleased to get the contract extension and, by God, I might just take it. I love this job. I’m very proud to be here. I’m not anxious to leave Texas.” Mark it down: he will take the Vegas job if it’s offered to him. You can wait to see, but I’ll take my 15-point score right now.

4. Oh, and if you haven’t already heard, Fox cancelled Lone Star after just two episodes. I didn’t see either episode, so I’m not prepared to score this one.
