Monday, June 17, 2024 Jun 17, 2024
88° F Dallas, TX

Leading Off (3/8/10)


1. What gets me about this extensive report in Sunday’s paper about the Trinity toll road isn’t the fact that the levee repairs will continue to hold up the construction of the road or that the NTTA has said again that projected tolls don’t justify the total cost of the project. My problem is that the conversation is still, “how are we going to build the toll road,” and not, “how are we going to raise the money to build the Trinity River Project without the toll road?” Last year at this time, Wick’s rough estimates put the money needed to build the project without the toll road at around $90 million (to put that in perspective, according to the DMN story, the toll road is currently about $1 billion underfunded). The toll road is never going to happen, so let’s pick up the conversation from there.

2. I’m starting to feel like the Monday barker who brings bad DISD news. This week’s sad song: ten of more than 30 DISD high schools are considered chronically failing.

3. A simple question for you to fight out in the comments: who is going to enjoy the Dallas Zoo’s six new elephants more: Elizabeth Lavin or John Carona?
