Sunday, May 19, 2024 May 19, 2024
91° F Dallas, TX

Got a Minute?

Busy Dallasites (quickly) share their time-saving secrets.

RICHARD W. DOUGLAS, President of the Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce: “I really do a lot of business by voice mail, and I always leave a very detailed message, spelling out exactly what I need, so we don’t have to play phone-tag. “

CHRIS LUNA, City Councilman: “I keep a daily log of each call received which lists the date, time, caller’s name, and comments. All the calls are on one page, which makes it easier to carry around. When I go through this list each day, I delegate calls to the appropriate staff for response. Also, this one-page log is easier to read while I am returning calls in my car. “

LAURA MILLER, reporter for the Dallas Observer: “I am the queen of double-time-constantly tryingtooverlap responsibilities so I can cram as much into my day as possible. While jogging, I’m composing column leads; while showering, I’m composing to-do lists or writing speeches (sometimes with pen and soggy piece of paper); while driving, I’m editing my columns on the steering wheel with a pen. “

REP. DICK ARMEY, House Majority Leader (who first responded to this question by noting chat a flat tax system would save every American time when it came to filing income tax returns); “I carry my laptop computer just about everywhere I go. This way I can type whenever I have a free moment. “

MICHAEL COX, partner, Star Canyon: “I keep pen and paper with me wherever I go. This way I can always be working on something, whether I’m in the car or waiting on someone. I also avoid unneccessary meetings more than anybody. You won’t catch me out being wined and dined, “

DR. JOHN CONNOLLY, Superintendent of Highland Park Independent School District: “Breakfast meetings are a real time-saver. You can accomplish more in that hour because people are focused and fresh. I also find people are available early in the day. 1 like to start at 7: 00 or 7: 30 a. m. “

TERRY MURPHY, CEO of Streetball Partners International, Hoop-lt-Up: “Move paper. Act upon whatever comes across your desk, creating a flow of paper in ail directions. File it, take action, or trash it. “

LARRY NORTH, local fitness guru: “My greatest time-saver is cooking all my meals for the week on Saturday or Sunday afternoon, and then dividing them into individual containers. Sometimes I pop into convenience stores to microwave a meal while I’m on my way to appointments. “

STAN LEVENSON, Levenson Public Relations: “I make a to-do list every morning and don’t refer to it again until the end of the day. It gives me an added mind set on prioritizing. Basically, in addition to a schedule, I keep a priority list. Even though you may have more than 24 hours to do it in, you have up to 24 hours to get it done. “

JEFF FEGAN, Executive Director of D-FW Airport: “First, I ask anybody who requests a decision from me to have organized all relevant information about the topic, to identify the alternatives, and to give me their best recommendations to solve the problem. Also, before leaving the office at the end of the day, 1 can review and prepare tor the following day’s schedule and make every attempt to adhere to that schedule. “

GERALD TURNER, President of Southern Methodist University: “Arrive at events only two to three minutes early, even when the program chair wants you there 15 minutes early. With hundreds to attend over the years, the time saved adds up to days. “

BEN CLICK, Dallas Police Chief: ’I am an avid runner, hut with the schedule I keep, the only time I can consistently run without calendar conflicts is 5 a. m. Sure, it requires discipline, but it represents a very efficient use of my time. I’ve found it helps me through the rest of the day because the exercise increases my energy and alertness. “

KEVIN KEENEY. Vice President of Southwest Securities, Inc.: “Never go west of Central and never talk to attorneys. “
