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Local News

Leading Off (9/30/11)


Bank You Very Much. So remember how you could put your money in a bank and then you could go back and and get it out whenever you wanted and it was still your money? And then remember how everyone got debit cards and you could use those in stores instead of writing a check or carrying around cash and it was free? Yeah. That free part is going away slowly but surely.

Former Dallas Reporter Deemed “Adorable.” Former KTVT reporter Christina McLarty is HSO (that’s like Facebook Official, but is instead Howard Stern Official) with David Arquette, who told the Muppet-topped radio host that he found his new girlfriend “adorable.”

Why I Order Clothes From the Internet. Right here. And if you decide to try on clothes at a store, you might want to make sure you’re wearing nice skivvies.

Friday Question for Thieves. How is this easier than an actual job?

Friday Music for Your Ears. First this. Then this palate cleanser.
