Friday, May 17, 2024 May 17, 2024
62° F Dallas, TX

Friday Fun With Jim Williamson

Jim talks anniversaries, re-decorating, and shellfish allergies.

Hello, good people! I’m so happy it’s the weekend, aren’t you? I’m going to turn things over to Jim Williamson while I figure out something delicious I should eat for dinner. It’s Friday, and I have just finish walking the Oz for an hour in our much loved Fair Park. That’s right. I am not physically at work. I’m writing this in my kitchen while wearing sweaty jogging clothes. I was gong to mention the brand, but I don’t want to polarize anyone. That just gave it away, didn’t it? It sounds kind of gross but it feels great.

Guess what else is great about today?

Today—well, actually tomorrow—is the anniversary of my engagement. Yes, that’s right. Two years ago, some sucker decide to put a ring on  it.  In total we have now been together for three years. Who would have thought?  Certainly not me. After my last long-term relationship, followed by another attempt that failed miseraby not once but twice, Jimbo was pretty much done with love. But then along came Max, and the rest—well, let’s just say that we have years and years worth of blog material.

Since we cant’t travel for this anniversary, I am going to cook a delicious dinner tonight. (At least I have the ambition of cooking a delicious dinner.) What am I going to cook?  I have no f’ing idea. It feels like a meat-and-red-wine kind of night. Or it could be a fish night? It definitely will not be a shellfish night. We call those ” you-don’t-want-to go-in-there-right-now” nights. Max is allergic to shellfish.

What else is new on the home front? As all homeowners know, it’s always something. Something is either broken, leaking, or needs changing. Currently, the roof deck is under repair. I can hear compression tools and hammering above my head as I type. This is, of course ,taking longer than expected as once you start taking something apart, you almost always discover something else that has to be done. So we’ve had that going on for the past four or five weeks. I am hoping it may actually be done today, but I can’t keep my fingers crossed and type at the same time.

I have also been re-covering a few pieces I purchased for my other place back in 2006. It’s bye-bye  2006-black-and-taupe-cut-velvet damask and hello to neutral linen. I know. Boring. It actually almost sounds like the reverse of design. But in this case, to make that chair work in Max’s office and keep my vintage rug ,which he loves, it just has to happen. I am also going to try a weathered black linen, which has been glazed to a glossy shine on my Moroso chair that was forgotten at the upholsterers during the cohabitation transition. If he can make it work, I think it is going to look really awesome.

I have a feeling that Max’s office will soon be the new guest room, and the old guest room will be the new office. While I have just found the perfect pair of  vintage side tables in original condition that can hold an iPad, a tray for glasses, and a Fiji water bottle (thanks, Dolly Python!) and the perfect 1960s Italian floor lamp (Thanks, Nicole!) to complete the look with our beautiful low and modern bed in the master, we have now discovered than maybe we might like to get out of bed in the morning by actually sitting up rather than rolling out.

Rather than install hand rails and a lift to get out of bed, we will have to start looking for a new bed. That last one only took a year to agree upon, so I have that to look forward to. But at least I can reinstall the current bedroom in the new guest room. It will be a tight squeeze for sure, but I am pretty certain our rare overnight guests, who tend to travel in pairs,will appreciate getting to sleep in a larger bed.

So in the vein of redoing things, how about some inspiration from Designers Guild and these beautiful fabrics part of the Spring Summer 2014 collection? It looks very cool and relaxing. Something we will all probably need in the months to come.

And with that, Mr. Jimbo needs to get cracking on tonight’s menu. If you happen to see smoke or hear a fire alarm, don’t worry. Everything is okay. It just means, “Honey, dinner is ready.”

Have a great weekend.  And happy anniversary to Max. I’m glad you decided to tame the shrew.

