Monday, June 17, 2024 Jun 17, 2024
87° F Dallas, TX

Leading Off (2/28/12)


Dallas Police Are Writing Fewer Tickets. Interestingly, traffic stops are actually up, but cops have written 56,000 fewer traffic tickets in the last two years. This means the city is leaving millions of dollars in uncollected revenue on the streets. Don’t worry. Those downtown parking enforcement weasels are working to make up the difference.

Dating Site Uses Picture of Dead Soldier in Ad. Alan Burks is suing Dallas-based for using a picture of his dead son, Peter Burks, to drum up business. Peter was killed in Baghdad in 2007, but until recently was using a picture of him in ads that read “Soldiers Want You” and “Military Men Searching for Love.” Not quite as sexy when you know the guy was killed by a roadside bomb.

Lamar Odom Still Hasn’t Rejoined Mavs. Odom is still in California, tending to his sick father. Roddy B is back for tonight’s game, though, having missed five games to deal with the death of his father. Family is more important that basketball. Don’t get me wrong. But I wonder what happens when players elect to miss games like this. Do they still get paid?
