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10 Most Beautiful Homes in Dallas

Nine Lessons Learned While Finding the Most Beautiful Homes in Dallas

Four editors share their most memorable experiences scouting the prettiest houses in town. And give you the chance to choose your favorite of them all.

For a decade now, D Home has taken it upon ourselves to shed light on the 10 most aesthetically-pleasing dwellings in Dallas. (It’s a tall order, but somebody had to do it.) Now, with the addition of our latest installment, we’ve given the honor of “10 Most Beautiful” to 100 stunning—and very different—homes.

To celebrate, we’re giving you, dear reader, a chance to pick the cream of the pretty crop over on our 10 Most Beautiful Homes in Dallas Competition. You can look at lovely houses, click on them, and have your voice heard. It’ll be fun! After all, isn’t the only title at 750 North St. Paul that gets to dive into the booming real estate market.

For even more “10 Most Beautiful” fun, we compiled a few lessons learned from our years on the road.

Sarah Bennett | Managing Editor of D Home

1. There Will Always Be an Awkward Moment

I once was pulled up to the curb in front of a house taking stealth photos when the owner pulled out of the driveway. Whoops. Sorry! Your home is lovely, by the way!

2. There Will Always Be the One That Got Away…

We often save photos of houses we loved the previous year in case they make the cut next year. I sent an intern to scope out one such home, beautifully covered with ivy, only to find it had been tragically torn down. Nothing but the framework for a new build stood in its place. RIP house.

3. It’s Fun to Get Your Veronica Mars On

We love stalking (especially Ryan). Don’t mind us if we’re driving slowly and rolling down the windows—with our sunglasses on, of course. If you’re in a hurry, just go around. We’re too busy snapping pics on our phones.

Caitlin Clark | Web Editor of D Home

4. Always Bring a Buddy

Never was this lesson clearer than the year I scouted Bluffview. Trying to stealthily take a photo of a house and jot down its address without lingering long enough on the neighborhood’s winding, tree-lined streets to draw suspicion was just not smart.

5. Take Good Notes

You might think it would be easy to figure out that address later using Google Maps, but you could be wrong.

6. Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder

Sometimes, you discover the most eye-catching, jaw-dropping, aesthetically-pleasing façade in all the land, and then find yourself being its lone defender. You just have to learn to live with this.

Ryan Conner | Executive Editor of D Home

7. Filters Are Misleading

Like with most social media photos, you can’t judge by an Instagram photo alone. You never know what the house really looks like until you drive by.

8. Don’t Drink and Drive

Our outfits have often been ruined by Diet Coke and iced coffee when we abruptly slam on the breaks to snap a photo.

Jamie Laubhan-Oliver | Editorial Director of D Home

9. Dress for the Neighborhood

For example, wear yoga pants in Lakewood. Blend in. Just like you would dress for the job you want, you should dress for the house you’re stalking.

Head here to see this year’s 10 Most Beautiful Homes feature, published in the July/August issue of D Home. After you’re done with that, it’s time to jump to the tournament and choose the finest of the past 10 years. Happy hunting.
