Monday, June 17, 2024 Jun 17, 2024
88° F Dallas, TX

Leading Off (4/4/23)

Cloudy and rainy today, with a chance of arraignment

Former Balch Springs Cop Must Pay $21.6 Million. Roy Oliver was convicted in 2018 of murdering 15-year-old Jordan Edwards, whom he shot as Edwards was leaving a party in a car. He is serving a 15-year prison sentence. In a civil trial yesterday, a federal jury decided Oliver was responsible for Edwards’ death, that he violated his constitutional rights, and that he must therefore pay Edwards’ family more than $21.6 million.

Shooting at Cockfighting Training Grounds. After police were called to a shooting in Southeast Dallas, on Rylie Road, they discovered 2,000 birds that were being trained to fight. They also found cockfighting paraphernalia, which would be a terrible name for a band.

County Commissioners in Spat. This one is complicated. Buckle up. Commissioner John Wiley Price is accusing County Judge Clay Jenkins (whom the Morning News is strangely now calling Clay Lewis Jenkins on first reference and Lewis Jenkins on second) of “White fragility.” (NB: that’s our house style on the capital “W,” not the News’.) A staffer who used to work for Jenkins was recently appointed to the new county position of chief equity officer, and Price didn’t like the choice. Also, Price says Jenkins is trying to get him kicked off the Dallas County Juvenile Board. There’s a vote today on that. It’s all so twisted that the News was forced to seek comment from SMU political professor Cal Jillson (no middle name), who said that if Price loses this Juvenile Board battle, it’s about to get real. (My words, not his.)


Tim Rogers

Tim Rogers

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Tim is the editor of D Magazine, where he has worked since 2001. He won a National Magazine Award in…