Monday, June 17, 2024 Jun 17, 2024
91° F Dallas, TX

Scott + Cooner Warehouse Sale – I Can’t Afford It!


Oh no, not another warehouse sale at Scott + Cooner. If you went to the last sidewalk sale you might have noticed my name on quite a few items – but, hey, like I told my husband, they are classic design and on sale.  We’re going to need outdoor furniture if Peggy’s Folly ever gets finished.  Two sleek white recliners and a table from Paola Lenti, and three vases as tall as me that look like the Caribbean Sea will look just fabulous next to the pool.  But, don’t be looking for this egg chair – it’s mine.  Tomorrow, 1-5, 2150 Irving Blvd.  No, I’m not going. Well maybe just for awhile. Okay, I’ll race you there.
