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How to Set Your Managers Up to Succeed 

Advice from the award-winning New Lens® app on how to empower high-performing leaders to succeed in today’s business world.

Managers today need more support than ever as they face overwhelm, disengagement and even burnout. But what are the most effective ways to help managers become more resilient, effective and engaged? Here are a few strategies we recommend to our clients.

Prioritize managers’ well-being. Make sure your managers have the resources they need to stay healthy and balanced. This includes things like mental health support, policies that promote adequate rest and breaks, and ways to escalate their concerns. 

Set clear expectations. Your managers should understand what is expected of them and how their work fits into the big picture. Feeling connected to something larger can give managers a sense of purpose that staves off burnout.

Examine workloads. Can you give your managers more breathing room? This might involve redistributing work or hiring additional staff.

Invest in managers’ development. Providing more opportunities for managers to learn and grow doesn’t just help them better engage their teams. It can also help your organization engage and retain the managers themselves. 

With so much hinging on the success of your organization’s managers, our award-winning New Lens® app gives you a proven, practical way to invest in their growth. Visit http://www.newlensleadership.com/ to learn more.

[email protected]

Neena Newberry, 713-822-3032
