Thursday, May 2, 2024 May 2, 2024
65° F Dallas, TX
Interior Design

rewardStyle Launches, Instagram Users Rejoice

Like what you see? Now you can buy it.

Baxter and Amber Venz Box’s rewardStyle has completely changed the fashion blogging game since 2011. The Dallas-based fashion technology startup helps influencers worldwide monetize their blog posts and (with the introduction of their Instagram feed.

This August, they’re set to make a similar impact on another oft blogged about topic: interior design. launched on August 10 to the delight of double tap happy home decor lovers everywhere, and provides design doyennes a tool for answering the age-old question: “Where did you get that?”

We reached out to Amber to learn more about the launch of rewardStyle’s newest product, and what eye-catching goodness we can expect to see (and shop) on our Instagram feeds.


Amber Venz Box | photo by Kristin + Scot Redman
CC: Was a separate account for home-related shopping always the plan when you launched

AV: As a company, we started in fashion, but as our influencers grew up, and they and their followers started to care about dressing their homes, and brands and retailers in other verticals began to recognize the retail demand generated by our Influencers, home became an obvious extension.

The verticalization story of began less than a year ago, in November of 2015, when influencers began using the #LTKHome hashtag to denote their content category. The creation of this type of content was overwhelming, with nearly 8,000 pieces of unique, ready-to-shop, home content being published through the platform and then distributed to Instagram, blogs and other social platforms.


CC: Will you be adding inventory from any local shops to rewardStyle’s product catalog?

AV: Today, we support 4,000 retailers around the world, and we have consciously looked to support our hometown businesses. Some of those include local favorites like Stanley Korshak, Nest, Design Darling, and the myriad of local shops supported by Etsy and FarFetch—from small businesses to Forty Five Ten.


CC: Does this new account allow you to recruit or accept any new lifestyle bloggers or influencers? 

AV: We already work with a number of top influencers within the lifestyle space, from HGTV hosts Jillian Harris and Emily Henderson, to interior designers and lifestyle bloggers such as Becki Owens and Monika Hibbs, so this handle is an opportunity for us to feature the fantastic content they’re creating. We’re looking forward to continuing to grow our influencer network in the home vertical, as well as looking to interesting ways to collaborate across-verticals. The great thing about home is that everyone has a space to share.


CC: Are there any fun interior design-related #LTKTakeoverTuesdays coming up?

AV: We’ll be launching a new series of interior design and decor focused Takeovers on, ranging from exclusive influencer home and office redesign reveals to behind-the-scenes home and office tours. We’ll focus on global spaces and DIY design tips for everything from holiday hosting to small-space organizing. Stay tuned!


CC: Are there any upcoming events, blogger takeovers, or partnerships with local ties in the works that we should keep an eye out for?

AV: Next month we’re heading to New York City for Fashion Week, where we’ll be hosting our 5th annual rooftop party, which is always a must watch on social media. We also have an exciting partnership with a major international internet institution that we’ve been keeping under wraps that we’ll finally be sharing in September… Follow along at #LTKxNYFW!


