Sunday, May 5, 2024 May 5, 2024
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Restaurants & Bars

Cafe San Miguel Throws a Fiesta for a Few


Don’t you hate when you plan a party, get all the RSVPs back, and then no one shows? Good thing intern Taylor Walker is a girl of her word. She was one of just a few who showed up to taste some tequila at Cafe San Miguel the other night. See her report below.

Free food, free tequila, and (surprisingly) a cool North Texas breeze. Everything was in place to ring in the 200th anniversary of Mexico’s independence. Everything that is, except for the guests.

As I arrived at Cafe San Miguel, the faint sound of mariachi music informed me that my Garmin (once again) had accurately directed me to the correct location. With my guest in tow, I made my way through a jewelry sale, an older cheerful DJ, and some laid-back diners until I found Charlie Garza, the Texas Regional Manager of Partida Tequila, the host of the celebratory bash. After a warm greeting and directions to our table, it was mere moments before Garza had two margaritas–on the rocks with salt–made with Partida Blanco tequila in front of us. I know, the sacrifices you make for the job.

Granted I’m not much of a tequila girl, but the fact that I even drank it is a testament to the bartender and the product. It was smooth and flavorful, which Garza accredits to the contents: Partida tequila, agave, water, and lime juice.

As I found myself swaying to the beat, I noticed that except for Charlie, my guest and I, there was only one other couple at the complete opposite end of our extremely long table. And unfortunately for Partida, not much changed.

Some time later, another guest, Chelle Knijnenburg, showed up and sadly was the last guest to arrive specifically for the party. Lucky for me, she turned out to be a catadora, which she described as tequila’s equivalent to a sommelier, and spent the next hour or so teaching me the proper way to sip and taste tequila.

Overall, the pace of the party was remarkably similar to the sipping tequila: slow and easy. That is until the real mariachi band arrived. It was like Hurricane Hermine burst through the patio transforming the tranquil ambiance into the rowdy party it was advertised to be. Soon everyone on the patio, even the regular restaurant patrons, was getting involved. From dancing and clapping to shaking the authentic Mexican maracas that adorned our table, the party had finally begun.  So to those no-shows out there, you missed one intimate fiesta.

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