Thursday, May 2, 2024 May 2, 2024
75° F Dallas, TX



Signs of aging can hit a person all at once. Wrinkles, laugh lines, crow’s feet, love handles-call them what you will-they aren’t welcome sights. This realization causes an ironic panic since everybody knows they will grow old. While a person may feel youthful and energetic on the inside, the outside doesn’t always show it. The phrase “growing old gracefully” may sound noble when said aloud, but inside, it makes us wince. Rather than growing old gracefully, people are choosing to fight against time gracefully. Their weapon is cosmetic and plastic surgery.
The Rise in Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
More people than ever before are turning to cosmetic and plastic surgery to grab their fair share of the so-called fountain of youth. Safer and more affordable procedures, a variety of options, and drastically reduced recovery times have made cosmetic and plastic surgery more accessible and accepted among the general public. This overall acceptance has made the decision to undergo surgery an easier one for most.
“It’s almost tike if you hear about somebody you know who is getting it, then it makes it OK for you to get it,” says one Dallas plastic surgery patient who at 41 decided to fight her war against time with liposuction and a breast lift. As an aerobics instructor, she worked out five to seven times a week but could never fully firm her stomach and thighs. Liposuction firmed them for her.
“I was ready to look good and feel better about myself, even though I knew I was healthy on the inside,” she says. “I have more self-confidence now. My clothes fit better. I feel like I enhanced what I already had, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Apparently, so would a lot of people. No longer is cosmetic and plastic surgery reserved for the wealthy, those who are older, or even just for women. Today, both men and women from various economic backgrounds who range in age from early teens to late senior years are having cosmetic and plastic surgery. Many are repeat customers who have mapped out a lifelong plan of nips, tucks, and peels to make sure they maintain their healthy good looks through the years. Their driver’s licenses may say age 50, but they’ll do whatever it takes to make sure their faces and bodies say they’re 40.
Cosmetic and plastic surgery has become so accessible that procedures have increased 50 percent over the last two years, totaling 1,045,815, according to new figures released from the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
Since 1992, cosmetic and plastic-surgery has risen a dramatic 153 percent. And. Dallas has been a leader in this rise. Dallas ranks No. 2 right behind beauty trendsetter Los Angeles in the cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, says Dr. Jim Gilmore.
Dr. Gilmore, who has practiced cosmetic and plastic surgery in Dallas for 25 years, has witnessed the evolution of the industry over three decades. While procedures and technology have changed drastically, one thing remains the same. Dallas is a cosmetic surgery kind of city,
“Obviously, Dallas has always been a glitzy city.” Dr. Gilmore says. “It is a major center of sophistication, commerce, business, and fashion. Dallas has always been and remains a little more avant garde than other southwestern cities. California may set the trends, but Dallas isn’t far behind. I think we’ve always been a little more beauty conscious than other cities.”
According to some top local cosmetic and plastic surgeons, the most popular cosmetic procedures in Dallas are liposuction, breast augmentation, facelifts, and eyelid surgery. Cosmetic and plastic surgeons say most everyone in Dallas has a relative. friend, or coworker who has had a cosmetic procedure-whether the surgery is made known or not is another story. It’s also likely that these plastic surgery patients are relatively young. Dr, Scott Harris of The Athena Clinics says younger adults are becoming more aware of the aesthetic changes their bodies will experience in the future and are working to preserve their youthful looks now so they don’t experience a panic about aging.
“We’ve learned that it’s better to make minor changes when you’re young to keep maintaining what you have, rather than having a lot of major changes done to your body when you’re older,” Dr. Harris says. “It’s just smarter to do it younger. The average age for cosmetic and plastic surgery used to be 50 to 70. but now it’s 40 to 50-and some are having it as young as 30.”
The Reason for the Rise
A major factor in cosmetic and plastic surgery’s boom is a shift in attitude. Once a hush-hush surgery that left women in hiding for weeks or months at a time while recovering, cosmetic and plastic surgery is becoming more accepted.
For the first time, admitting you want to keep your youthful appearance and that you have the pride to do so isn’t shameful. Dr. Brenda McCain Draper of the Sierra Surgery Center, says part of this change in attitude comes from people being more informed about their options. A man or woman considering cosmetic procedures today carefully researches their options and searches for the best surgeons. They also compare costs and weigh the associated risks with cosmetic and plastic surgery. Understanding all of the issues surrounding cosmetic and plastic surgery, she says, leads to more openness about it.
And. just as important, more people-now realize that cosmetic and plastic surgery won’t change their lives. Rather. patients look to the surgery to do what it’s supposed to do -enhance their lives. Hopefully. Dr. Draper says, cosmetic procedures will give people the boost in confidence they need to help them achieve the happiness they desire.

To Tell or Notto Tell
Still, because cosmetic and plastic surgery is connected with vanity, an element of privacy and secrecy will always surround it. Studying a person and guessing if “she’s had something done” will never go away, especially as more quick and affordable procedures enter the market. Dr. Harris says.
“If you tell your friend that you are going to get something done, your friend will most likely tell you you’re beautiful just the way you are,” Dr. Harris says. “For some reason, cosmetic and plastic surgery isn’t always supported, it is, and will remain, a personal choice. The majority of people who get cosmetic and plastic surgery still do it for themselves because there is something they don’t like about their bodies. Cosmetic and plastic surgery will make them feel better about themselves.”
Keeping cosmetic and plastic surgery a secret is easier than ever before due to simple procedures, reduced recovery times, and in-office surgery suites. Not so long ago, major cosmetic procedures would keep a patient in the hospital for a week or more. Doctors used to help their patients create excuses for their bandages and bruises or for being out of their social circles or work for so long as a result of their surgeries. Now, most procedures are done in a private doctor’s office, and the patient can go home the same day. Recovery time can range from a few hours to a few days for minor procedures. So. keeping a recent surgery a private matter is easier than ever before.

Men Want to Look Good, Too Women aren’t the only ones under the microscope when it comes to being scrutinized about cosmetic and plastic surgery. Men are getting a second glance as well. Liposuction continues to be the number one procedure among men. according to ASPRS. with blepharo-plasty (eyelid surgery), then rhinoplasty (nose surgery) following a close second and third. Facial peels and laser skin treatments, such as microdermabra-sion. are popular choices among men in Dallas.
“Women are no longer alone in their desire to look and feel younger,” says ASPRS president Dr. Paul Schnur. “More and more men are having cosmetic surgery, not only to look and feel younger, but also to sometimes give themselves a competitive edge in the workplace.”
Stubborn “love handles” are what kept one Dallas man from having the body he wanted. The 36-year-old worked out daily with weights, by biking, and on the treadmill and sculpted his muscles everywhere but his stomach area. A desire to have a muscular body-in addition to working in a highly competitive sales job where looks count-led him to his decision to have liposuction a few months ago. He was surprised by the short recovery time and was glad the scarring was minimal so that he doesn’t have to tell anyone about his surgery.
“I only recently heard about cosmetic surgery being for men,1” the new cosmetic surgery patient says. “Any concerns about vanity were lost when 1 saw the results. The flab is gone, and I lost at least three inches from my waist. I worked out really hard, and 1 consider myself to be in very good shape, but my flanks just wouldn’t go away. I thought about it for six months and decided it was time. I had tried everything else. I look better in my clothes, and my friends are wondering if they should have it done.”

The Skin, it’s Still the Secret to Looking Young
To preserve a youthful face and body, many people are waking up to appearance maintenance. Beverly Breshers. a laser and skin care specialist at Somatique, says that while the results of some cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures can last for many months or years, patients should remember that nothing lasts forever. Maintenance is essential not only to preserve a youthful and healthy appearance, but also to protect the investment made in the procedures. She says much of the secret in obtaining this sought-after appearance is in the skin. Maintain it, and there will be less need for worry.
“Baby Boomers remember having skin that was healthy and vibrant, and they want it back,” Breshers says. “They look in the mirror and they don’t see what they saw 20 years ago, This can be very depressing. When you get older, you have to come to grips with aging one of two ways. Either accept it or do something about it.”
This ’something’ can come in the form of quick and simple facial procedures, such as facial peels, microdermabra-sion, and Botox injections that can all create a drastic improvement in the face; or Endermologie, a treatment that reduces the appearance of cellulite. The best results are seen after a few regular treatments, and to maintain the results, treatments should be continued.
Bresher predicts that the new millennium will bring with it more awareness of the sun’s damaging and aging effects on the skin. She says the increase in skin cancer and the realization that too much sun causes aging will serve as reminders to use sunblock and wear protective clothing, even if outdoors for only a few minutes. She adds that drinking plenty of water, exercising, proper nutrition, and quitting smoking will also boost the skin’s appearance and help it retain a healthy glow.
Cosmetic Surgery in the New Millennium
While everyone scrambles to stay looking healthy and young, medical science is several steps ahead, ensuring cosmetic and plastic surgery will be even more effective in the future. Surgeons predict that modern technology combined with a highly competitive market will make cosmetic and plastic surgery even more accessible and affordable in the future.
“Baby Boomers are going to be the ones who propel this industry into the next century,” Dr. Gilmore says. ’They’ll want to make sure their looks are maintained for as long as possible because we are living longer. But the difference will be minimal invasive surgery. There will be hidden scars, smaller incisions-no more tell-tale signs of plastic surgery.”
In the future, endoscopic and laser surgery will allow for less invasive surgeries making internal facelifts, neck surgery, and brow lifts with subtle incisions inside the hairline (without shaving any hair) possible. Minimal invasion also means less bleeding and bruising post surgery which helps reduce recovery time. Existing laser procedures are also expected to improve, making them safer and the results longer lasting.
As doctors and scientists continue to push the envelope in cosmetic and plastic surgery, science fiction may actually collide with reality in the new century. Dr. Gilmore also predicts that in the new millennium, robotic surgery will be available that allows a physician to command a robotic machine to achieve surgical stitch work via a computer control. Genetic engineering will enable doctors to predict if someone will have serious body abnormalities-or even an unusually large nose-while in utero, and new technology may allow doctors the ability to alter these problems before birth. Cell cultures and tissue cloning will enable doctors to rejuvenate a patient’s skin or bones through re-implantation. Stem cells can be taken from someone at birth and stored to grow tissue for future use in the re-implantation of soft tissue, hones, and cartilage to restore the parts of the body that show age the fastest.
Dr. Harris predicts that the Internet will become a major tool in cosmetic and plastic surgery in 2000. Not only will it give patients more accessibility to the latest procedures and the most qualified doctors; it will also serve as a consultation tool. For instance, a doctor in Dallas can consult with a specialist in Australia in real-time about a patient’s need for rhinoplasty during a regular office visit via the Internet. This same Australian doctor can also consult on the resulting surgery via the Internet, giving the patient an even greater chance of getting the nose she wants.
Youthful Eyes: Eyes are quick to show age- both in function and appearance. Reduce the signs of aging with blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and regain your 20/20 vision with LASIK surgery.
Evaluating Your Options
While these new. innova-tive procedures and Products may be tempting, cosmetic and plastic surgeons still urge patients to be cautious about trying anything new in medicine. Be patient, because only time will tell if a procedure is good one, says Dr. John B. Tebbetts, Instead of focusing on what will change in the new millennium. Dr. Tebbetts suggests taking a look at what will never change and evaluate options from there.
“What will never change is a person’s desire to feel good about themselves and to look as good as they can at any given point in their lives.” Dr. Tebbetts says. “The public is always going to demand something new because they expect it. And because of the demand, they’re going to get it. The thing for everyone to remember is just because it’s new doesn’t mean it’s better. Time is required to know if something is good. Wait at least five years before you try a newly developed procedures, especially if it is one that will permanently or drastically alter your appearance.”
With so many advances in cosmetic and plastic surgery, it’s no surprise that the industry is on the rise. While cosmetic and plastic surgeons applaud and welcome the advances in cosmetic and plastic surgery, they remain adamant that people choose aesthetic procedures for the right reasons. They hope patients avoid falling prey to inexperienced, unqualified doctors who don’t specialize in cosmetic and plastic surgery, but promise the same results for less money.
Selecting a good cosmetic or plastic surgeon takes careful consideration and much research. Dr. Harris recommends looking at the following factors when choosing a surgeon:
■ Credentials. Select a surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery-the only plastic surgery board recognised by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
■ Experience and Training. Discuss the surgeon’s qualifications during your initial consultation.
■ Hospital Privileges. Although it is more convenient to have surgery in your surgeon’s office surgical suite, check that your surgeon may also perform the same procedure in an accredited hospital.
Compatibility. Make sure during the initial consultation that your surgeon discusses with you your expectations and goals, gets your medical history, and addresses your concerns about surgery. Be sure your surgeon is dedicated to patient care and participates in honest and direct communication with you.
Dr. Tebbetts adds that a good surgeon will offer patients insight on what the results of the proposed surgery will be in ten or 20 years. People should keep in mind, he says, that no matter what the surgery, the body’s tissues will deteriorate. For instance, in the case of breast augmentation, the breast implant a woman chooses today may look good for a few years after the surgery, but the tissues will weaken as they age and could eventually harm the breasts’ appearance. Patients need to choose their procedures wisely, he says.
“Be careful what you do to your body now so that you don’t have to face tradeoffs in the future,” Dr. Tebbetts says. “Hopefully, in the new millennium patients will be better informed about their surgeries through their own research, and surgeons will make more of an effort to make more information available to the public. 1 also hope to see surgeons who are more educated in a broader range of techniques so they can offer patients more options and tailor a procedure to the patient.”
Ultimately, a qualified cosmetic surgeon will want to know during the initial consultation what leads their patient to cosmetic and plastic surgery. Dr. Draper says she has turned down patients who want cosmetic procedures for the wrong reasons such as to change their life or for a quick mood-booster following a traumatic event. However, when a patient is ready for cosmetic and plastic surgery, the possibilities are endless for what it can do for someone’s life.
“The most important image is your self-image,” Dr. Draper says. “Cosmetic and plastic surgery helps give people confidence in themselves. After all, you feel better when you look better.”
FDA Information for Women considering saline-Filled Breast Implan
Saline-filled breast implants (silicone envelopes filled with salt water) were already in use in 1976 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began regulating medical device Under this 1976 law, Manufacturers could continue selling devices already on the mark(“grandfathered”). But the 1976 law made it clear that at some time in the future, FDA would require manufacturers to submit their research data showing that these products are safe a effective, Women need to know that until this call for research data occurs, laboratory, anmal, and human tests on some of these “grandfathered” products-including saline breast implants-may not have been completed by the manufacturer or reviewed by FDA.

Women considering saline-filled breast implants for breast enlargement or reconstruction should receive the following information about implants (and, when appropriate, other options for reconstruction) before surgery is scheduled, This will allow them time to review the material and discuss possible risks and benefits with her doctor. For some women, breast implants can improve their quality of life. Some breast cancer survivors believe that getting implants has been an important part of their recovery. However, other women find external breast forms to be satisfactory. Reconstruction options include breast implants or surgery using tissue from a patient’s own abdomen, back, or buttocks to form a new breast. This surgery requires sufficient fat tissue and a longer operation, and like and other procedure, it is not always successful. for each woman, whether her goal is augmentation or reconstruction the benefits may be different. With her doctor’s advice, each woman most decide whether or not she wishes to accept the possible risks in order to achieve the expected results.

Breast implant surgery presents the same general risks associated with anesthesia and any other surgery. After the surgery, there are other special risks related to saline-filled breast implants. (The manufacturer’s package insert for these devices gives additional, more detailed information. Your surgeon has a copy and can provide it to you.)

Most Common Ris

Deflation, Breast implants cannot be expected to last forever. Some implants deflate (or rupture) in the first few months after being implanted and some deflate after several years; yet some seem to be intact 10 or more year after the surgery. It is not known when deflation is most likely to happen. The implant can break due to injury to the breast or through normal wear over time, releasing the saline (salt water) filling. Researchers are doing studies to determine rupture rates over time. Whenever a saline-filled implant does deflate, it usually happens quickly and requires surgery to remove and, if desired, replace the ruptured implant. Since salt water is naturally present in the body, the leaked saline from the implant will be absorbed by the body instead of being treated as foreign matter.

Making breast cancer Harder to Find. The implant could interfere with finding breast cancer during mammography. It can “hide” suspicious-looking patches of tissue in the breast making it difficult to interpret results. The implant may also make it difficult to perform mammography. Since the breast is squeezed during mammography. it is possible for an implant to rupture during the procedure. It is essential that every woman who has a breast implant tell her mammography technologist before the procedure. The technologist can use special techniques to minimize the possibility of rupture and to get the best possible views of the breast tissue. Because more x-ray views are necessary with these special techniques, women with breast implants will receive more radiation than women without implants who receive a normal exam. However, the benefit of the mammogram in finding cancer outweighs the risk of the additional x-rays.

Capsular Contracture. The scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the implant may tighten and squeeze the implant. This is called capsular contracture. Over several months to years, some women have changes in breast shape, hardness, or pain as a result of this contraction, No good data are available on how often this happens. If these conditions are severe, more surgery may be needed to correct or remove the implants.

Other Known Risks

Calcium Deposits in the Tissue Around the Implant. When calcium deposits, which are not harmful, occur, they can be seen on mammograms. These deposits must be identified as different from the calcium that is often a sign of breast cancer. Occasionally, it is necessary to surgically remove and examine a small amount of tissue to see whether or not it is cancer. This can frequently be done without removing the implant.

Additional Surgeries. Women should understand there is a fairly high chance they will need to have additional surgery at some point to replace or remove the implant when and if it wears out. Also, problems such as deflation, capsular contracture, infection, shifting, and calcium deposits can require removal of the implants. Discuss the risk of these additional surgeries with your physician, Many women decide to have the implants replaced, but some women do not.

Infection. Infection can occur with any surgery. The frequency of infection with implant surgery is not known, but a prospective patient should ask her surgeon what his or her experience has been. Most infections resulting from surgery appear within a few days to weeks after the operation. However, infection is possible at any time after surgery. Infections with foreign bodies present (such as implants) are harder to treat than infections in normal body tissues. If an infection does not respond to antibiotics, the implant may have to be removed. After the infection is treated, a new breast implant can usually be put in.

Hematoma. A hematoma is a collection of blood inside the body (in this case, around theimplant or around the incision). Swelling, pain, and bruising may result. The chance of getting a hematoma is not known, but a woman thinking about breast implants should ask her surgeon about his or her experience. If a hematoma occurs, it will usually be soon after surgery. (It can also occur at any time after injury to the breast.) Small hematomas are absorbed by the body, but large ones may have to be drained surgically for proper healing. Surgical draining causes scarring, which is minimal in most women.

Delayed Wound Healing. In rare instances, the implant stretches the skin abnormally, depriving it of blood supply and allowing the implant to push out through the skin. This complication usually requires additional surgery.

Changes in Feeling in the Nipple and breast. Feeling in the nipple and breast can increase or decrease after implant surgery. Changes in feeling can be temporary or permanent and may affect sexual response or the ability to nurse a baby. (See the paragraph on breast-feeding below.)

Shifting of the Implant, Sometimes an implant may shift from its initial placement, giving the breasts an unnatural look. An implant may become visible at the surface of the breast as a result of the device pushing through the layers of skin. Further surgery is needed to correct this problem. If the implant shifts, it may become possible to feel the implant through the skin. (Placing the implant beneath the muscle may help to minimize this problem.) Other problems with appearance could include incorrect implant size, visible scars, uneven appearance, and wrinkling of the implant.

Unknown Risks

In addition to these known risks, there are unanswered questions about saline-filled breast implants. For example, can the implants bring on symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis? Can they bring on neurological symptorms similar to multiple sclerosis in some women? Can the implants increase the risk of cancer? (Because saline-filled implants contain only salt water, any risk that might be related to silicone gel would not occur with this type of product.) There is some concern, but little information, about possible risks from the silicone rubber material of the envelope. Also, questions have been raised about the potential for the saline to become contaminated with fungus or bacteria. If so, these organisms might be released into the woman’s body if her implant deflated.

Autoimmune Diseases. According to scientific studies, women with breast implants in gencral are not at an increased risk for autoimmune or connective tissue diseases. However, these studies are too small to detect whether there might be a slightly increased risk of any one of these rare diseases. Also, these current studies have looked only for the symptoms of known autoimmune diseases, rather than the variety of symptoms that some women report experiencing. Some of the reported symptoms include:
● Swelling and/or joint pain or arthritis-like pain:
● General aching
● Unusual hair loss
● Unexplained or unusual loss of energy
● Greater chance of getting colds, viruses, and flu
● Swollen glands or lymph noders
● Rash
● Memory problems, headaches
● Muscle weakness or burning
● Nausea, vomiting
● Irritable bowel syndrome.
Breast-Feeding and Children. Questions have been raised about whether or not breast implants present safety concerns for nursing infants of women with breast implants. Some women with breast implants have reported health problems in their breast-fed children. Only very limited research has been conducted in this area, and at this time there is no seientific evidence that this is a problem. It is not known if there are risks in nursing for a women with breast implants or if the children of women with breast implants are more likely to have health problems.

Cancer. At this time, there is no scientific evidence that women with saline-filled breast implants are more susceptible to cancer than other women.
Top cosmetic surgeons suggest considering these factors first.
Look at what is going on in your life, What led you to this decision? Make sure you’re dong it for the right reasons.
Assess the recovery time, Can you afford time off of work, away from your children, or other duties?
Gather a support system. You must have help during the recovery period.
Make sure you are in good physical health.
Find the right physician for you. You must feel comfortable with your doctor and be able to freely communicate with him or her about goals, risks, and concerns.
TOP FIVE COSMETIC ANDPLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURES IN THE U.S.(Source: American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons)
Breast Augmentation
Eyelid Surgery
Facelift Chemical Peels

GaryE. Althadef, D.D.S.
8226 Douglas Ave., Ste. 753
Dallas. TX
Dr. Gary Alhadef provides lull-service dentistry lor adults and children. Dr. Alhadef is specially trained in the art of cosmetic dentistry providing health, function, and beauty with state-of-the-art technology. Our warm, friendly, and caring staff is looking forward to serving you.

Athena Clinics
Scott W. Harris, M.D.
9 Medical Parkway. Ste. 306
Dal las, TX 75234
Dr. Scott Harris, board certified in plastic surgery, specializes in breast enhancement, liposculpture, and facial cosmetic surgery. In addition, he is co-founder of Athena Clinics.

H. Steve Byrd, M.D.
411 N. Washington, Ste. 6000
Dallas,TX 75246
Dr. Bird’s practice emphasizes aesthetic surgery. He works to enhance your natural beauty through this highly technical art form. His innovative procedures in aesthetic surgery have earned him international recognition.

Ramsey Choucair, M.D.
2731 LemmonAve.,#306
Dallas, TX 75204
Dr. Choucair specializes in cosmetic surgery of the face and body and is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Cornea Associates of Texas
7150 Greenville Avenue, Ste. 600
Dallas, TX 75231
Never depend on contacts or glasses again with LASIK surgery. Visit us today to learn if this exciting new technology is right for you.

Cosmetic Surgical Center
Vasdev S. Rai, M.D.
2305 Misty Haven
Piano, TX 75230
Dr. Rai is a board-certified plastic surgeon and has been in practice lor 17 years. He was named “one of the best plastic surgeons” by D Magazine (1992). All surgeries are performed In our own outpatient center.

3102 Oak Lawn, Ste. 116
Dallas, TX 75219
deNovo. A relaxing clinical spa for medically supervised image enhancement and age management. Call us for a complimentary consultation.

Brenda McCain Draper, M.D., P.A.
5468 La Sierra Drive
Dallas, TX 75231
Dr. Draper performs aesthetic or cosmetic plastic surgery of the face and body and believes good communication is key to understanding and successfully achieving her patients’ goals. Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Jim Gilmore. M.D.. Associated
6750 Hillerest Plaza Dr., Ste. 215
Jim Gilmore, M.D., Associated is committed to a high standard of excellence in patient care and advocacy. The entire staff takes pride in sensitivity and responsiveness to patient needs and demonstrates genuine loyalty to patients before and after surgery.
Lucy Peters International
10 Medical Parkway, Ste. 305
Dal las, TX 75234
LPI offers the only documented immediately permanent form of electrolysis in the industry. The Integrated System Is effective for all types of hair growth-even those thai have resisted or recurred after laser treatment.
William K- Miles, M.D., F.A.C.S.
6131 Luther Lane, #214
Dallas,TX 75225

800 8th Ave., #404 FortWorth, TX 76104 817-336-9131
Specialising in combined laser face-lifting/skin rejuvenation, tumescent/ultrasonic liposuction, and endoscopic breast augmentation, American Boards Cosmetic and Facial Plastic 5urgery-Accredited Surgery Facility.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Centre of the Southwest
Jerry L. Lugger, M.D.
461 West Parkway
Euless, TX 76040
817-540-1755 Metro
Fully accredited free-standing surgery center dedicated to reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Dr. Lugger is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience.

Somatique Medical Spa
5600 W. Lovers Lane, Ste. 212
Da.llas, TX 75209
A new approach to healthcare focusing on aging and problem skin. Also an information center to assist patients in finding the best trained and skilled physician specialists In the nation.

George A. Told bo, M.D.
6110 Sherry Lane
Dallas, TX 75248
A commitment to perform the art and science of plastic surgery to its highest degree with compassion, professionalism, and a respect for privacy.

Tylock Eye Care and Laser Center
3100 N. MacArthur Blvd.
Irving, TX 75062
Gary Tylock, M.D. specializes in LASlK eye surgery. LASIK is performed in his on-site laser suite using the VISX Star S2excimer laser.

The Women’s Center for Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery
Diane L. Gibby, M.D.
7777 Forest Lane, Building C, Ste. 820
Dallas,TX 75S30
The Women’s Center for Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery focuses on women’s special health care needs before, during, and after surgery. We strive to provide optimal medical care in a warm environment to help you feel confident in achieving your goals with surgery.
“Cosmetic and plastic surgeons are becoming very interested in anti-aging. What is becoming most important to us is total patient care, meaning achieving results through a combination of surgery and advances in technology with good nutrition and exercise. We are continually learning about aging and what causes people to age, and we look forward to helping people look and feel better for a longer period of time.”
– Diane Gibby, M.D., F.A.C.S., Founder of the Women’s Center for Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
“The special field of cosmetic surgery will continue to provide new, high tech answers to enhance appearance. For example, there are likely to be more innovations in simultaneous skin rejuvenation with laser eyelid and face lifting, as well as other high tech approaches to breast augmentation and body sculpting. Since people for some time have awaited the new millennium with both caution and anticipation, perhaps now they will be eager to start anew, making positive changes in their appearances and careers. Though cosmetic surgery does not change lives, it does give the self-confidence to accomplish goals.”

– William K. Miles, M.D.. F.A.C.S
“The selection of a plastic surgeon begins with checking for board certification, but this isn’t enough. It’s a good idea to visit two or three doctors, and if the advice is similar, then it should be a confidence-builder about your decision. If not, you may want to be more cautious. A person seeking cosmetic surgery today needs to make a true effort to find the right doctor. More than ever before there are doctors who are forced out of their professional niches and into the cosmetic surgery industry but with only weekend cosmetic surgery courses instead of full accredited naming requiring wars of residency. Members of the Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons of Dallas haw met the strict standards of a national board. To find a board certified surgeon in your area, call 1-888-272-7711 or go to
– Steve Byrd, M.D., F.A.C.S., president. Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons of Dallas
“The new millennium will bring new and exciting techniques and procedures to enhance and rejuvenate patients such as removal of wrinkles to decrease the signs of aging. However, basic principles remain the same, and patients should choose their plastic surgeon wisely noting his or her credentials, training, and board certification. They shouldn’t be misled by the newest technology. “
– Jerry L. Lugger, M.D., P.A., Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Centre of the Southwest
“Choosing the right plastic surgeon is the most crucial deci-sion that you will face, so beware of ads that promise some new laser, endoscopic, or ultrasound procedure that will magically eliminate all your flaws without any swelling, bruising, or pain. A well-trained, knowledgeable, and experienced surgeon will help you decide the best procedure for your specific condition.”
– George A.Toledo, M.D.,
Highland Park Plastic Surgery Center
“Don’t make an important decision based upon the cost of cosmetic surgery alone. Visit the doctor. Talk to his patients. Remember that cosmetic surgery has limitations, and don’t be offended if your doctor truthfully tells you your limitations for achieving a desired result.’ -Vasdev S. Rai. M.D., Cosmetic Surgical Center. Medical City Dallas
“In the millennium, laser vision correction technology will continue to evolue and therefore offer even greater rates of success. Most every patient notices a great increase in self-esteem and confidence following LASIK surgery. Most patients are now able to experience more freedom in all areas of life, especially during sports activity. “
– Gary R. Tylock, M.D.,Tylock Eye Care £ Laser Center
“Skin rejuvenation and looking one’s best are no longer being con’ sidered a luxury. With today’s competitive job market and personal life goals, skin rejuvenation and taking care of one’s self is being considered a necessity. With recent advances in skin rejuvenation, lasers, and treat’ ment modalities, we are able to offer treatments that can greatly reduce the signs of aging.” – John Stevens. R.N., deNovo
“In the new millennium, LASIK proceures will increase even more. New statistics show that LASIK was the most commonly performed surgical procedure this year in the U.S. The popularity has grown by word of mouth. People are amazed at the results and at how simple the surgery is. Most LASIK patients, for the first rime, aren’t dependent on glasses or contacts and can participate in activities they couldn’t enjoy because of impaired sight.”
– Henry Gelender, M.D., Cornea Associates of Texas
“The rapidly evolving face of cosmetic surgery seems to be taking on a “less is more” approach into the new millennium. In years past, anyone desiring rejuvenation was faced with a dilemma: do nothing, or have a risky, costly procedure. The emerging technology allows safe, less costly, office-based treatments that give more natural results and with minimal or no “down-time.” Development such as dual-laser resurfacing, laser-assisted excision, particle skin resurfacing, tumescent liposculpture, and single-follicle hair transplants are exciting examples of kinder, gentler cosmetic surgery for year 2000.”
– Michael L. Maris, M.D., F.A.A.D., Dermatology Consultants
“New restorative materials in cosmetic dentistry are available with incredibly natural beauty, strength, and function. With looking for a dentist, inquire about their cosmetic training and commitment to continuing education with all the latest advances in technohgy. “
– Or. Gary Alhedel, D.D.S.
“More people want to match their youthful attitude and energy level with a younger appearance. Creative concepts are always evolving, making the future of cosmetic surgery bright, and even more exciting for Dallas-a city that already enjoys an interna’ tional reputation for plastic surgery excellence.”
– Ramsey J. Choucair, M.D.

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