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whether or not it’s your first wedding, with your 30-some years of wisdom and what have you, it’s likely you’re approaching this business of betrothal with a somewhat different perspective than say, your average twentysomething blushing bride.

When you were barely 20, picking the icing to go on your wedding cake might have been the biggest decision of your life Now, you’ve got a definite edge Your concerns are more balanced, and you’re not about to let the details of the wedding overshadow the importance of your relationship and making it last.

We spoke with one thirtysomething bride, who after several single years is marrying for the second time She doesn’t remember a thing about the planning that went into her first wedding, “… because my mother did it all.” But this time around, things are different. “We’re (the bride and groom) making all the arrangements.” she declares. “And we’re not making mountains out of selecting invitations or colors. We just decide on it, and do it! That’s partly because we’ve both been married before, and partly because of age. Besides,we know from experience that those aren’t the most important things.”

Opting for a wedding breakfast solved a variety of problems for another Dallas couple in their thirties who wanted to “satisfy mothers’ wishes,” while also throwing a party for lots of friends and business associates. So, the church wedding was a small, intimate family affair, followed by a posh brunch for 200 at the Crescent Club. Voila! Definitely a thirtysomething-style wedding.

One recent Dallas bride clearly recalls being halfway down the aisle before realizing she had on the wrong shoes. A younger bride might have blocked out the day entirely over such a discovery, but this saavy lady wasn’t about to let such a minor faux pas detract from her wedding day. The ability to take things in stride – that’s what those 30-some years can do for a bride.

One couple in the midst of planning their wedding relates the adventure of simply finding a rabbi to perform the ceremony – she’s Jewish and he’s Methodist. The fact that they were, as the bride directly put it, “a more mature couple” made it easier for the rabbi to say “1 will.” These two, at 38, are approaching the alter with well-established differences – religion, money handling, and even neatness standards – but they also share a sense of humor and style, plus a keen understanding of commitment and a determination to make their marriage work.

After all, isn’t that what all this wedding business is about?! It stands to reason that-if you’re a thirtysomething bride – you’re entering the state of matrimony with a dearer idea of who you are and where you’re going. Consequently your wedding should be a reflection of your personal style – not that of anyone else, even dear mom.

Here’s to tying your own knot and making it last!

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