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One Vendor, One Invoice, No Finger Pointing


Vectrix CEO Mark Lynd had his first brush with computers when he was serving in the U.S. Army 17 years ago. After mastering what was then a high-tech lire control computer. Lynd discovered his life’s career. “That was it.” Lynd says. “I was hooked on computers.”

When Lynd completed his education, he worked in various aspects of the computer industry for Perot Systems. GTE, and MetroMedia Restaurant Group, While Lynd appreciated the experience gained from working in the IT service industry, he also learned ways to improve it even more, primarily in the areas of customer service and accountability. “I knew companies could benefit from a full-service provider-one company thai could meet all of their needs,” he says.

Lynd molded his observations into a business plan and, in 1996, took the plunge into entrepreneurship. He pitched his idea to venture capitalists, secured financing, and launched Vectrix-a full-service provider of e-business solutions, strategy, technology. marketing, and creative.

Lynd rounded up clients and offered them the hassle-free service he was convinced they needed. They agreed with him. and Vectrix was a success. Today, the privately held Vectrix has more than 350 employees in eight cities, and the client-base has grown to over 300.

Lynd’s goal has always been to provide clients with the accountability and customer service they deserve. Vectrix offers clients a full-service program thai expands their business online and increases margins through one vendor, thus the company’s motto, “One vendor, One invoice. No finger pointing.”

By this, Lynd means that Vectrix employees work together for the benefit of the client, and ultimately themselves. The Vectrix client-centric approach sets it apart from the competition. “We make money based on how successful our clients’ solutions are.” Lynd says. “We have every reason to work together to make a client’s solution as great as possible.”

Lynd has carefully crafted his business to foster this environment of good will. He runs Vectrix this way because he believes when his employees are free of petty office frustrations, they keep their minds focused on the clients.

“I believe you can love your job,” Lynd says. “We enjoy a lot of camaraderie here, and I think that is reflected to our clients. It makes us more creative and thoughtful.”

To help build this relaxed and creative environment. Vectrix employees take occasional breaks for a game of pool or basketball in the office’s hub of activity-a warehouse-style room where innovative ideas such as the wildly popular Internet Elf Bowling Game are bom. This provides a diversion from late-night brainstorming and developing-a common trait at any Internet service company. Lynd’s philosophy: The happier his employees are, the happier his clients will be.

One development Lynd’s employees have been pleased with lately is the incredible boom of the high-tech industry in Dallas, dubbed “Dallascon Valley” by Vectrix. “We feel so comfortable and confident in Dallas,” Lynd says. “This is a breeding ground for technology. Dallas has the talent and the interest. It’s not why Dallas.’ but ’why not Dallas?’”

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