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Tea and Trumpets

What began during last fall’s Cityfest as a temporary revival of big band swing has evolved into a weekly gala: Thursday evening tea dances at Union Station’s Grand Hall. Swirl-skirted housewives from North Dallas are tackling Stemmons southbound to meet their husbands on the Grand Hall’s terrazzo. Downtown workers are postponing bumper-to-bumper drives home to foxtrot cheek-to-cheek under soft-light chandeliers. The Hyatt Regency’s clientele is drifting over to Grand Hall for a true taste of Americana – Lone Star beer, popcorn, barbecue, and live local big-band swing. It’s delightful diversion, and it’s bringing people downtown after dark for better reasons than overtime pay and jury duty. The tea dances are providing the first public showcase for local big bands since the closing of the Wintergarden Ballroom last June, and the members of the various bands seem as eclectic in style as in age. Some claim to have traded riffs with TommyDorsey, while others blow jazz for NTSU. “My horn’s older than the guy I sit next to,” one tenor saxist remarked. But once they climb onto the shag-pelted palladium in front of a Thursday night crowd of 500 or more, all eclecticism melds into a very uniform nostalgia.

The Harvey Anderson Orchestra pumps out the most solid of the local big band sounds, possibly because it has more pieces, sixteen, than the others, but more likely because of the caliber of the crew. “Wild Bill” Tillman, on tenor sax, has his own jazz-rock group, Moment’s Notice, and is a former member of Blood, Sweat and Tears and sideman for Gladys Knight and the Pips and the Four Tops. Lead trumpet player Chuck Schmidt just came off the road with Buddy Rich; Keith Jourdan brags three years’ lead trumpet with Tom Jones; Anderson, on sax, flute, and clarinet, has been leading big bands since 1947; and drummer Preston Thomas plays percussion for the Fort Worth Symphony.

The Wintergarden Ballroom Band, led by Jim Shafer, continues to be a Dallas institution despite the loss of its home and namesake of seven years last June. The members are older, from a generation that recalls the Swing era firsthand. Other local groups that play the Grand Hall include the Bob Armstrong Band and the Phares Corder, Larry Gatchell, Jerry Lee, Jack Melick, and Sandy Sandifer Orchestras.

Tea dances every Thursday evening in January from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Parking and admission are free. Union Station, 300 Reunion Blvd. Call 741-1561 for specific band schedules.

Monika Maeckle

“You Can’t Go Home Again “

Every couple of years, the Dallas Theater Center assembles a showcase of recently premiered works and invites critics, agents, and producers from around the country to experience them. Last spring’s Playmarket (as these events are called) left something to be desired: Of the nine stagings, only two were what one could unconditionally call good work. By some standards this is perhaps a commendable proportion. The times are not so ripe with fresh, stimulating new plays that even a modest effort can be ignored; and if the Theater Center has not produced a David Mamet or a Lanford Wilson, it at least produced a Preston Jones (whose last play, Remember, was one of the Playmarket successes). But a new play must do more to win approval than work its way through an author’s typewriter, across the table of a selection committee, and through the hands of a director onto a stage. It must connect with a discerning audience. The best of Preston Jones’ works have done this with pictorial cross-sections of an unfamiliar, though recognizable, locale; and the next play on the Kalita Humphreys stage, Mary Rohde’s Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly A way Home, succeeds by means of a well-developed but carefully concealed dramatic structure. The play, which opens January 29, is a vivid, captivating slice of life.

Very little “happens” in the play. On a lark, Margie Lynn Bunton, who has run away from her husband and child, comes sneaking back into her small Texas hometown, bringing in tow two girls she works with. She’s caught by her brutish uncle, who slowly realizes that Margie and her friends are what pass in San Antonio for high-class call girls. Left for a time by her companions, Margie confronts questions and demands from her ignorant husband, her bewildered mother, and her imperious grandmother, and is subjected to a crude blackmail threat from her uncle. Not much more occurs (except, of course, for the conclusion), and yet,delineated with numerous details of event and character, this makes up a full-bodied play. Its drama, to borrow a phrase Henry James applied to Ibsen, is that of “individuals caught in the fact.” In this play, as in no other work produced by Theater Center playwrights in recent memory, the characters are engaged in a moment-to-moment struggle with their circumstances – the opening colloquial chatter in the beauty shop; the faintly ominous arrival of Margie’s uncle, who has just divorced the latest in a long line of wives; the dumb insistence of her husband that “this is your home, this is where you belong”; the intrusion of her gossip-sniffing Baptist aunt – all of which, when connected, form a dense web of tiny dramatic lines.

The performances are likely to be as finely drawn as the play, judging from last spring’s production in a small studio theater. There, it was a marvel to watch Eleanor Lindsay as Margie: Nearly every gesture was touched with fretting restlessness and even her eyes burned with a clouded anguish. Some ofthese finer touches will be lost in the much larger setting of the Kalita Humphreys stage, but they give an idea of the detail we may still ex- pect in this staging by C.P. Hendrie. Dallas Theater Center, 3636 Turtle Creek. 526-8857.

– John Branch

Cliburn Competition Winner at UTA

Steven De Groote, a 25-year-old South African pianist, was virtually unknown in 1977, but in that same year he emerged victorious from Fort Worth’s Van Cliburn Piano Competition and was given sponsorship for a two-year concert tour. He returns to the area January 31, and this time De Groote’s reputation precedes him: Reports from Amsterdam, Austria, New York, and Washington describe him as an interpretative genius. Of additional interest is his Boesen-dorfer piano – handcrafted, with nine extra keys.

UT Arlington’s Texas Hall is acoustically adequate, although the $7 ticket price seems high for the university setting. But it could prove disarmingly low in comparison to the prices that De Groote performances may well command in the future. 8 pm. For ticket reservations, call 273-2766.

– David Oedel

A Renaissance of Chamber Music

One of the spin-offs of last fall’s bustle for the arts has been the formation of a new chamber music group: the Dallas Renaissance Quartet, four local string players who decided Dallas was ready for a bigger dose of live chamber music than is currently available in the five annual concerts presented by the Chamber Music Society. Judging from the Society’s almost fanatical following (for several concerts Caruth Auditorium has been filled beyond capacity), there’s no doubt Dallas has an audience for chamber music, and the Dallas Renaissance Quartet wants to build and expand on that interest.

The name of the group refers not to its repertoire, which is classical to contemporary, but rather to the renaissance of the arts in Dallas. And one member is quick to point to the bond election, the revitalization of downtown, and the success of the Dallas Symphony as evidence. Three of the players are DSO musicians: Both the violinists, Ron Hudson and Yoko Moore, play first violin in the Symphony (Ron is second concertmaster), and Mimi Moxley is the DSO’s associate-principal cellist. Ron’s wife Nan, the violist, is associate professor of music and a burgeoning conductor at NTSU.

Of course reaching out beyond chamber music cognoscenti to popularize thestring quartet is nothing short of a heroic undertaking. The Dallas Renaissance Quartet wants to attract the initiated, but is also making an effort to democratize a quintessen-tially aristocratic art. While the setting couldn’t be more elegant, the program format is startlingly casual. Sponsored by the Friends of the DeGolyer Estate, the quartet performs in the Estate’s opulent library, which seats about 100. Before starting each piece, quartet members talk informally about the work’s most interesting features, “just as we would if we were playing for friends in our own living room,” as Nan Hudson says. After the concert, they stay around to chat and answer questions from the audience.The title of the first program, “The Quartet Sampler,” suggests the accessibility the group aims for, and they’ll keep that format for their next performance on January 28. Titled “Beethoven: The Spiritual Development of a Man,” this program will trace the growth of the composer’s quartet writing with selections from Opus 18, Nos. 3 and 6; Opus 59, No. 3; Opus 130; and Opus 135.

Future Dallas Renaissance Quartet programs in March and April include “Romance with Strings Attached” (Borodin and Tchaikovsky quartets) and “A Mostly Mozart Monday.” All performances $6.50. 8 pm. The De Golyer Estate, 8525 Garland Road. 324-1401.

– Willem Brans

Party Lines: The Russian Origins of Modern Art

The roots of modern art are Russian, a fact that may surprise those who think of Russian art as paintings of assembly lines and May Day parades. They came later, after the Communists decided that the purpose of art was to serve the party ahead of the needs of the human spirit. But from 1910 to the mid-1920’s a small group of painters and sculptors, led by Malevich, Kandinsky, Pevsner, and Lissitsky, set modern art on the course it has followed ever since: away from things and the representation of physical realitytoward a concern with basic geometric shapes and the effects of pure color. “In my desperate attempt to free art from the burden of the object,” wrote Malevich, “I took refuge in the square form and exhibited a picture which consisted of nothing more than a black space on a white field.” This is a paradigm of what we generally think of as abstract art, as well as a statement about the primacy of form and feeling that has found favor with both the actionpainters like Pollock and the more severe geometricians like Motherwell, Rothko, and Stella.

Malevich always referred to himself as a “Suprematist,” by which he meant, like e.e. cummings, that feeling is first; the decisive factor in all pictorial art. The Construc-tivists, who included sculptors and architects as well as painters and graphic artists, shared many of Malevich’s premises, particularly his emphasis on the autonomy of art, while finding his overall focus too static and limited. They were interested in a more dynamic approach, one that would explore the uses of movement using the materials of the modern machine age. This led, among other things, to a radically new vision of sculpture, one concerned primarily with space instead of mass. The difference is between a marble bust and a mobile: One is created by chipping away at a block of raw material, the other by arranging materials in space. Michelangelo belongs to one tradition, Calder to the other.

The full significance of this change in outlook isdocumented in two exhibitions at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts from January 18 to February 24: “Constructivism and the Geometric Tradition: Selections from the McCrory Corporation Collection” and “Journey into Non-Objectivity: The Graphic Work of Kazimir Malevich and Other Members of the Russian Avant-Garde.” Together they provide as intriguing an introduction to modern painting and sculpture as one could wish for.

In the mid-Twenties, as the political situation in Russia grew more confused, the Constructivists split into several different camps; some remained aesthetic purists along the lines of Malevich while others began putting their talents to more “practical” uses, designing factories, houses, tools, and other utilitarian items. This belief in the creative synthesis of the visual, design, and architectural arts received its fullest expression in the Bauhaus. In Russia it became a cover for a narrow pragma-tism that was fundamentally anti-art. By 1925 the best Constructivists hademigrated; those who stayed behind became increasingly preoccupied with designing end tables which, as any visitor to the DMFA will see, are far less exciting than paintings and sculptures.

– David Dillon

Weston Exhibit at the Amon Carter

Admirers of Edward Weston will probably be surprised by the Amon Carter’s two new acquisitions: “Portrait of George J. Hopkins” and “Goldfish,” a stylized portrait of actress Yvonne Verlaine. They are soft, painterly photographs with which Weston took a number of liberties, including retouching, that he rarely took again. By the late-Twenties he had met Stieglitz and moved to Carmel, California, where he began creating the sharp, realistic photographs of tide pools and juniper trees and bell peppers for which he is now best known. So these twoearly photographs, done in 1917, provide a romantic introduction to the mature work. They also give the Carter an excuse for displaying its 52 other Westons, one of the largest and most impressive collections in the country. The show runs through January 20. 3501 Camp Bowie, Fort Worth. (817) 738-1933. Tue-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. – David Dillon


Cinematheque Series. Throughout this year, this group is sponsoring an international film festival, possibly to remind us that John Ford, Woody Allen, and Francis Coppola haven’t been the only people to use film in an interesting and entertaining way. Four films from France and Sweden will be screened beginning January 18, 19, and 20: two French films directed by Jean Renoir, Rules of the Game (1939) and Grand Illusion (1938); both remarkable films. Rules of the Game is a study of upper class mores in France set at a chic ball where the intricacies of high class life are unwoven to reveal a baser core of deceit, adultery, and murder. The camera work is worth note for, at times, it is hand-held to reproduce the sense of a character’s subjective impressions of the ball. For various reasons, the film was for many years censored in France, but the version now available is the original.

Grand Illusion is an early humanistic war film in which the enemy is the illusion, and the people are real. Its story concerns French prisoners in German camps during the First World War and about the German “masters” who find themselves imprisoned as well.

On January 25, 26, and 27 two Bergman films will be screened, Persona (1966) and The Devil’s Wanton (1962). Persona is a quiet, close film, the story of an actress (Liv Ullman) who is in traumaand unable to speak. The film is perhaps Bergman’s best exposition of the psyche and although he has, on other occasions, been accused of heavy-handedness, the characters in this film are handled gently and well.

The Devil’s Wanton, if it is the film we think it is (apparently it has gone under more than one title), is a humorous story which pokes fun at the reputed sexual prowess of Swedes.

$2.50. Cinematheque films at the Bob Hope Theatre, SMU:

Rules of the Game Jan 18, 19, 20 at 7 pm

Grand Illusion Jan 18, 19, 20 at 9 pm

Persona Jan 25, 26, 27 at 7 pm

The Devil’s Wanton Jan 25, 26, 27 at 9 pm

Dallas Public Library. Free. 12:10. Central Public Library, 1954 Commerce. 748-9071, ex 349.

Jan 2: A Paris and The Concert

9: Jerry’s Restaurant, Spider, and French Lunch

16: Chino’s Tale, How to Draw a Cat, and Cheetah

23: A Quiet Evening with Mother Goose and Enter Hamlet 30: Norman Rockwell’s World: An American Dream and The Sixties

2 pm. Park Forest Branch Library, 3421 Forest Ln. 748-9071, ex 349.

Jan 7: Hawaii Revisited and Forbidden City

14: Spain and On Seven Hills They Built Rome

21: Springtime in Holland and Amsterdam

28: Western Canada and Land Between: British Columbia

Granada Theater. $2.75, $2.25 students and over 65, $1.75 under 12. 3524 Greenville Ave. 823-9610.

Lakewood Theater. Double features for $1.50. 1825 Abrams. 821-5706.

University of Texas at Dallas. $1.50 general public, 75¢ under 17 and over 65. Founders North Auditorium, Floyd and Campbell Rds, Richardson. Call for times. 690-2945.

Jan 9: Lord of the Flies

11: Funeral in Berlin

16: Diabolique

18: Day of the Locusts

23: Big Deal on Madonna Street

25: Save the Tiger

40: The Confessions of Felix Krull


Because of our early deadlines, our recommendations are based on what we know of the plays and the track records of the companies presenting them. Commentary is by John Branch.

The Contrast. From Jan 29: The source for this recent musical is, at first glance, typically unlikely: It’s based on a very old American comedy of the same name by Royall Tyler. (It was, in fact, the first comedy by a native author to be professionally produced in this country.) Tyler’s 1787 work, a Sheridan-esque comedy of manners which plays European super-sophistication against homespun American honesty, followed the conventions of its day by including a few songs. Composer Don Pippin, lyricist Steve Brown, and author Anthony Stimac simply reworked the script a bit to allow for a few moresongs. This production, to be directed by Jack Clay, is the second by Stage One, the pre-professional offshot of SMU’s theater training program. The group’s first effort, Lanford Wilson’s Fifth of July, was unfortunately slow in winning audience recognition (due in part to slow recognition from the critics), but the production was professional in every respect but the name. This company looks to be one of the brightest now performing in Dallas. $5.75. Thur-Sat at 8, Sun at 2:15. Haymarket Theatre, 12205 Coit Rd. 369-5345.

A Delicate Balance. From Jan 10: This is the heavyweight play in Theatre Onstage’s current season, and quite a challenge it will be. Edward Albee’s 1966 drama about families and friendship aims to be portentous but is more likely to come off as pretentious in any but the most careful hands. $4.50, $3.50 students & over 65. Wed-Fri at 8, Sat at 2 & 8. Theatre Onstage, 2120 McKinney. 651-9766.

For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow is Enuf. From Jan 22: This is among the latest efforts in the 20th century’s long struggle to bring poetry back into the theater. Ntozake Shange’s work, about being black and female and, finally, about facing adversity, is more lyrical than dramatic, more choreographic than theatrical, but it packs a punch nonetheless. $5.50-$6.50. Tue-Thur at 8, Fri & Sat at 8:30, Sun at 2:30& 7. Theatre Three, The Quadrangle, 2800 Routh. 748-5191.

Granny’s Dinner Playhouse. Jan 8: The Glenn Miller Orchestra, directed by Jimmy Henderson, with (he Moonlight Serenaders. $13.50. From Jan 11: Jubilation ’80! Another Las Vegas-style revue, created by Breck Wall (of Bottoms Up fame) and Patrick Maes. $8.50-$14.95. 12205 Coil Rd. 239-0153.

The Illusion. Through Jan 19: A new musical byRandolph Tallman, John Henson, Steven Mackenroth, and John Logan, combining magic and a murder plot in turn-of-the-century Boston. John Henson is the director. $6.50, $8.50 Fri & Sat. Tue-Fri at 8, Sat at 8:30. Kalita Humphreys Theater, Dallas Theater Center, 3636 Turtle Creek. 526-8857.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman. From Jan 3: A musical spoof by Lee Adams and Charles Strouse that developed a cult following in its New York run in the mid-Sixties. $3. Thur-Sat at 8, Sun at 3. Irving Community Theater, Northlake College Performance Hall. 252-3996.

Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home. From Jan 29: The best new play to come out of the Theater Center in a long time. Playwright Mary Rohde, writing about tangled relationships in a small Texas town, has done more than assemble a collection of vivid characters on stage. She has made them move within a dramatic structure that is highly developed and, by DTC standards, almost completely unprecedented. $6.50, $8.50 Fri & Sat. Tue-Fri at 8, Sat at 8:30. Kalita Humphreys Theater, Dallas Theater Center, 3636 Turtle Creek. 526-8857.

The New York Idea. Through Jan 12: A witty and charming American comedy, dating from 1906 and written by Langdon Mitchell, about love and marriage and divorce among New York bluebloods. $5.50-$6.50. Tue-Thur at 8, Fri & Sat at 8:30, Sun at 2:30 & 7. Theatre Three, The Quadrangle, 2800 Routh. 748-5191.

Ten Little Indians. From Jan 18: Agatha Christie’s dramatization of one of her best mysteries. $3.50, $2 students, $1 over 65.Garland Civic Theatre, Garland Rd at Ave F. 272-9122.


Dallas Public Library. Community Showcase series at 12:10 pm. Bring your lunch. Jan 8: Jack Johnson leads an old-fashioned sing-along. Jan 15: Musical revue of songs from the 1930’s and 1940’s. Jan 29: Handbell Choir from Central Christian Church. 1954 Commerce. 748-9071, ex 249.

Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Jan 25 at 8 pm: 8 O’clock Pops Series features the Ramsey Lewis Trio with Ramsey Lewis on piano, Cleveland Eaton on bass, and Maurice White on drums. Music Hall, Fair Park. 565-9100.

DeGolyer Estate Chamber Music Series. Jan 28 ut8 pm: “Beethoven: The Spiritual Development of Man.” The Dallas Renaissance Quartet performs selections from Opus 18, No. 3 and 6; Opus 59, No. 3; Opus 130; and Opus 135, Beethoven’s last work. Informal discussion with the artists follows the performance. $6.50. DeGolyer Estate, 8525 Garland Rd. 324-1401.

Fort Worth Symphony. Jan 5 at 8 pm: Pops Series presents Diahann Carroll in concert. Tar-rant County Convention Center Theater. Jan 8 ut 8 pm: Texas Little Symphony Series features violinist Shlomo Mintz performing Rossini’s Cinderella Overture, Bach’s Concerto in A Minor for Violin, and Brahms’ Serenade No I in D. Kimbell Art Museum, Will Rogers West, Fort Worth. Jan 20 at 3 pm & Jan 22 at 8 pm: Guest pianist Byron Janis and the symphony, conducted by John Giordano, perform Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 3. Tarrant County Convention Center Theater, Fort Worth. (817) 921-2676.

Fort Worth Opera. Jan 11 at 8pm & Jan 13 at 2 pm: Lehar’s operetta, The Merry Widow, features Sharon Daniels of the New York City Opera in the title role. Directed by Jack Ed-dleman, the operetta also includes a large chorus and a lavishly staged ballet. Tarrant County Convention Center Theater, 1111 Houston, Fort Worth. (817)731-0833.

Highlander Concerts. Jan 13 at 7 pm: Opera star and composer Jerome Hines performs selections from operas, spirituals, and hymns. Free. Highland Park Presbyterian Church, 3821 University Blvd. 526-7457.

Meadows School of the Arts. Jan 5 at 8:15: Dallas Symphony Orchestra in concert benefiting the B’nai B’rith-SMU Music Scholarship Fund. Stanley Black conducts. $4-$5. McFarlin Auditorium. Jan 20 at 8:15 pm: Concert by faculty violinist Ron Neal. $2.50, $1 students. Caruth Auditorium, SMU campus. 692-2643.

Sunday Concert Series. Jan 13 at 3:30: Carol Cannon, mezzo soprano, is featured artist. Jan 27at 3:30: Pianist Gary Okeson performs. Sponsored by Mu Phi Epsilon and the Dallas Museumof Fine Arts. Free. Museum Auditorium, Fair Park. 421-4187.

Van Cliburn Foundation. Jan 10 at 6 pm: Recital Series presents pianist Steven Mayer. Reception at 5 pm in the solarium of Fort Worth Art Museum. $4.50. Jan 21 at 8 pm: Lecture/Performance Series features pianist Earl Wild performing selections by Liszt. $7.50. Scott Theater, 3505 West Lancaster, Fort Worth. (817)738-6509.

Voices of Change. Jan 28 at 8:15 pm: “New Voices – An Evening with George Crumb,”features Ancient Voices of Children, Sonata forCello, Madrigals Book III, and Eleven Echoes ofAutumn. $4, $2 students. Caruth Auditorium,SMU campus. 692-3189.


Fort Worth Ballet. Jan 18: Guest appearance by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and orchestra featuring Marina Eglevesky, Kathleen Duffy, Ronn Tice, and others. Tarrant County Convention Center’ Theatre, 1111 Houston. Call for times and tickets. (817) 731-0879.


Andrew’s. One of Dallas’ better bars, impeccably crafted with paneled walls, hardwood floors, and antique furniture. Its best features are the outdoor courtyard and the bargain drinks. Mon-Fri 11-2, Sat & Sun noon-2. Happy Hour daily until 7. AE, MC, V. 3301 McKinney. 521-6510.

Arthur’s. Arthur’s late-ai-night is a lively place with popular piano-bar music for touch dancing. Try an after-dinner coffee: the Kioki is a favorite – a blend of creme de cacao, coffee liqueur, fresh coffee, whipped cream, topped with a splash of brandy. Open nightly (ill 2 am. Happy Hour Mon-Fri 11:30-6:30, Sat 5-8. All credit cards. 8350 N Central Expwy in Campbell Centre. 361-8833.

Balboa Cafe. This cafe calls itself Dallas’ second fern bar, meaning it’s like the San Francisco Rose – lots of glass, greenery, and couches. The sandwiches are good, and there’s a reasonably good selection of imported beer. But the place is noisy and service is sometimes slow. Mon-Sat 11-2, Sun 12-2. All credit cards.. 3604 Oak 1. awn. 521-1068.

Balboa Cafe Greenville. Even cozier and has a little more stylish clientele. Mon-Sun 11-2. All credit cards. 7015 Greenville Ave. 369-7027.

Bagatelle. One of the best places for jazz listening, it’s also a comfortable, dimly lighted bar with low couches and music that doesn’t prevent conversation. Entertainment nightly. Thur noon-l; Fri & Sat noon-2; Sun-Wed noon-midnight. All credit cards. Reservations Fri and Sat. 4925 Greenville. 692-8224.

Biff’s. A cut above other north Greenville Ave mixing spots. Always crowded with upwardly-mobile singles and spillovers from the nearby disco scene. Offers good drinks and comfy selling. A great place for a late-night snack. Daily 11:30-2. AE. MC, V. 7402 Greenville Ave. 696-1952.

Cardinal Puff’s. A favorite of the quieter SMU set, it’s a bright. friendly place with no pretensions. In warm weather, enjoy the decked beer garden: in colder months, the greenhouse with fireplace. Excellent sandwiches and munchies; beer and wine only. Daily 4-2 am. V, MC”. 4615 Greenville. 369-1969.

Carlotta’s Cadillac. A dimly lighted, moderately priced Mexican restaurant where you canhear tactful Jazz and interpretive standards by the sax/piano dud The King & I. This talented pair was the house band at Jason’s and we’re glad they’re still on the scene. Entertainment Thur-Sat. Mon-Sat 11: 30-2. Sun 6-midnight. MC, V. McKinney at Hall. 521-4360.

Chelsea Comer. A little over-ferned and antiqued, but if you wish, you can find a quiet corner and escape from both the collegiate clientele and the folk singers. Excellent drinks – they serve Johnny Walker Red off the bar. Mon-Fri 11: 30-2; Sat 12-2; Sun l-2am. Happy Hour daily 11: 30-8. AE, MC. V. 4830 McKinney. 526-9327.

Cowboy. Curious hybrid of Western and disco cultures, and judging from the long lines, a popular idea. Closet rednecks can shed the three-piece and get rowdy. Tue-Sat 7-2. 5208 Greenville. 369-6969. Down the street is Diamond Jim’s, another raucous cowboy/disco, less fancy, but equally as fun. Mon-Fri 5-2, Sat-Sun 7-2. 5601 Greenville. 691-2411.

The Den. A warm, cozy, and quiet atmosphere pervades this bar located in the Stoneleigh Hotel. The drinks are excellent (doubles served from opening till closing), and the service is friendly and attentive. A good place to unwind after a hectic day at the office. Mon-Fri 11 am-mid-night. 2927 Maple Ave. 742-7111.

élan. Most polished and consistent of Dallas’ Great Disco Triumvirate; serious dancers and single predators may prefer Papagayo or da Vinci, but for sheer sophistication, elan is tops. Modern, tasteful decor. Surprisingly good food, plus a great Sunday brunch to help alone for the previous night’s behavior. Membership required at night. Mon-Fri 11: 30-2. Sat 7-2, Sun 11-2. AE. DC, MC, V. 5111 Greenville. 692-9855.

The Embers Lounge. Forget that it’s only a waiting place for tables for the Southern Kitchen restaurant which houses it: On Saturday nights, the Embers becomes one of the best jazz bars in Dallas; pianist/vocalist Al Dupree could give lessons to Bobby Short. Sat 7: 30-10: 30. All credit cards. Southern Kitchen East, 6615 E Northwest Hwy. 368-1063.

The Enclave. Attracting mainly an over-30, well-heeled crowd, the Enclave tries to be a class joint, and it succeeds in terms of drinks, attentive service, and low lighting. It and pianist-vocalist Gene Albert suffer, however, from the oversized sound system that makes the live music sound just like Muzak. Albert performs solo during Happy Hour 6-8: 30 Mon-Sat; two side-men join him from 8: 30-12: 30 on weeknighls and until 1: 30 on weekends. Mon-Thur 11: 30-2: 30 & 5-12: 30, Fri & Sat til 1: 30. All credit cards. 8325 Walnut Hill. 363-7487.

Greenville Avenue Country Club. The old Vagabond Club resurrected, with the backyard swimming pool still the main attraction. Part of the new wave of Dallas restaurant/bars (Lake-wood Yacht Club, Balboa Cafe), the GACC has the usual chicken-fried menu and good drinks for East Dallas loyalists who can’t afford a membership at Brookhollow. Swimming encouraged. Daily 11-2. AE, MC, V. 3619 Greenville Ave. 826-5650.

Greenville Bar & Grill. Billed as Dallas’ oldestbar, it’s been brought back to life as a neighborhood gathering spot for Lakewood/East Dallas. A comfortable place to drink, talk, and munch burgers. Daily 11-2. Thur & Sun: Hal Baker and the Gloom Chasers play Dixieland. Food served 11 am-lam. $2 cover Thur, $1 Sun. 2821 Greenville. 823-6691.

The Hop. This small but friendly pub has the best munchies in Fort Worth – fried okra and eggplant, for example; pitchers are $1 every Wednesday after 2. The crowd is a happy amalgamation of college students and families. Mon-Sal 11-2, Sun 4-1. MC, V. 2905 W Berry, Fort Worth. (817) 923-7281.

Ichabod’s. The best of the Greenville Avenue bar/disco/restaurants; a long, elliptical place with tiered sealing all around. Good drinks and service; always crowded. Daily 5-2. All credit cards. Old Town in the Village” 691-2646.

Joe Miller’s. The media people bar, and probably not much fun for non-regulars. The small-ness and plainness of the bar are offset by Miller’s personality as well as by his two-ounce, well-iced drinks. Mon-Fri noon-2 am. At, MC, V. 3531 McKinney. 521-2261.

Knox Street Pub. An apparent favorite of young professionals, this nostalgic pub features excellent food and a jukebox that rivals the Stoneleigh P’s. Daily 11-2. No credit cards. 3230 Knox. 526-9476.

Lakewood Yacht Club. In this East Dallas neighborhood bar, scores of press photos decorate the walls from eye level all the way up to the incredibly high ceiling; there’s also (inexplicably but interestingly) a UPI teletype machine. Home-cooked potato chips, really comfortable chairs, a well-stocked jukebox, and an interesting clientele. Daily 11-2. AE. MC, V. 2009 Abrams. 824-1390.

Les Saisons. One of the classiest and cheeriestbars in town; windows line the bar inviting a view of the Dallas skyline. You should expect steep prices, but don’t let that stop you. An unusual assortment of appetizers is available; order the cheese platter and you’ll want to dine the early evening away. Duet provides bar music 5: 30-8; a band lakes over at 8: 30. 11: 30-1: 30 am daily. Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4-7. All credit cards. 165 Turtle Creek Village. 528-6653.

The Library. This bar /restaurant in the spruced-up old Melrose Hotel achieves the understated tastefulness for which most motif bars strive. The small bar area is richly appointed in brass, leather, and, of course, books; it’s comfortable, blessedly quiel; the drinks are excellent, and the service is unobtrusive. Daily noon-1 am. All credit cards. 3015 Oak Lawn. 521-5151.

Lillie Langtry’s. Antlers on the wall, portraits of actress Langtry, and an informal clientele are aspects of this small, rustic-looking club. More important are the entertainers, who have recently included talented locals like Karen Bella and blues guitarist Charley Lee. Nachos and sandwiches served. No cover. Noon-2 am daily. Happy Hour Mon-Sat 4-7, Sun 2-7. AE, MC, V. 6932 Greenville. 368-6367.

Madison’s. Slick, popular North Dallas bar. Excellent copy bands do precision versions of Steely Dan, et al. Trendy clientele, lots of pretty girls, tasteful setting. Mon-Sun 5-2. AE, DC, MC, V. 8141 Walnut Ln. 361-0644.

Overtake Bellringer. The best straight disco in town, usually jammed with serious dancers and hustlers in their late 20’s and early 30’s. The help is sometimes surly, liable to make up dress restrictions on the spot when the place is toocrowded; there’s usually not much sealing, so go only if you just want to boogie. The Beggar, across the street, attracts Saturday Night Fever types, but it’s often less crowded. Daily 11-2. AE, MC, V. 9525 Overlake. 350-5541.

Papagayo. No wet T-shirt contests here, just pure, stylish Big City disco. Cavernous show-place with awesome sound and light show. Packed dance floor doesn’t allow Travolta-types their usual gymnastics, which is probably just as well. $2 cover charge on weekends. Tue-Fri 4: 30, Sun-Mon 8-2. 8796 N Central Expy. 692-6110.

Papillon. An over-rated restaurant with an under-rated bar, an attractive place with seating slightly above the dance floor. Big enough to let you ignore the Beautiful People if you wish; usually quiet, with touch-dancing music late in the evening. Mon-Fri 11: 30-2, Sal & Sun 6-2. All credit cards. 7940 N Central. 691-7455.

Poor David’s Pub. Small, dark, and informal, PD’s has a variety of entertainers like ex-Bee’s Knees guitarist Anson Funderburgh and his Roc-ketts, a talented and no-nonsense blues band. Good sandwiches available, kitchen stays open till 1 am. Mon-Fri 11: 30-2, Sat 7-2, closed Sun. Happy Hour Mon-Sat 2-7. Cover varies. No credit cards. 2900 McKinney. 821-9891.

Popsicle Toes. Taking its name from a Michael Franks tune, this club’s not long on atmosphere or comfort, but has presented a diversity of local jazz. The house band is the funk / jazz unit Buster Brown (Tue-Sat), and on Sunday there’s big band jazz with the Dallas Jazz Orchestra. Tue-Sun 9-2, closed Mon. Cover varies, no cover Tue. No credit cards. 5627 Dyer. 368-9706.

The Quiet Man. One of the few surviving Sixties quiet places, the small beer garden is a great place to talk – except during rush hour on Knox Street. Lacking some but not much of the place’s charm is the other Quiet Man at 5629 Yale. Sun-Thur noon-midnight; Fri & Sat until 2. No credit cards. 3120 Knox. 526-6180.

Railhead. It’s a shame this bar is so shoddy, because the entertainment is often good: primarily comics and popular music copy-artists. (One recent duet played Billy Joel with real pizzazz. ) No cover means huge crowds, so arrive early. Stick to basic drinks or brews; the house wine is truly bad, and the bar can’t seem to handle anything tricky. Open daily 4: 30-1 am. Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4: 30-7. Two shows nightly. AE, MC, V. 6919 Twin Hills Ave. 369-8700.

Recovery Room. The closest thing to a real big-city jazz club, Dallas’ version of NYC’s Bird-land. Nothing cosmic, just classic bebop and straight-ahead jazz. Occasionally, visiting celebrities sit in with the regulars. Robert Sanders Tue-Wed, Marchel Ivery Quartet Thur-Sun. Tue-Sat 9-2, Sun 8-midnight. 4036 Cedar Springs. 526-1601.

San Francisco Rose. A bright, laid-back place, adorned with greenery, a few couches andwingback chairs. Salads, sandwiches, and soups are all pretty ordinary; but as a bar, it’s an appealing place, particularly on a dreary day. Mon-Sat 11: 30-2; Sun noon-2. AE. MC, V. 3024 Greenville. 826-2020.

Stoneleigh P. A made-over drugstore with terrific burgers, featuring dark rye buns and pro-volone. There’s a jukebox with everything from classical to country, and a browsing-encouraged magazine rack. Mon-Thur 11: 15 am-midnight; Fri & Sat until 1 am; Sun noon-midnight. No credit cards. 2926 Maple. 741-0824.

Strictly Ta-Bu. The Forties are alive and well in this neighborhood bar and restaurant, from the pink flamingo mural to Benny Goodman on the tape system. A comfortable club with separate dining and listening areas, it attracts an eclectic clientele of all garbs and predilections to hear mainstream jazz standards. Mon-Thur 5-1; Fri 5-2; Sat & Sun 6-2. No cover. MC, V. 4111 Lomo Alto. 526-9325.

Texas Tea House. A get-down country place, with dancing in the beer garden outside. Cover varies. They serve only Longnecks, Spanada, and Old Milwaukee on tap. No credit cards. Tue-Sat 8-2. 3042 Kings Rd. 526-9171.

Top of the Dome. The only bar in town withseveral views of the Dallas skyline. Piano bar nightly. Daily 11-2. All credit cards. Annoying $1. 50 charge for elevator ride has been dropped for club goers. Reunion Tower, 301 Reunion. 651-1234.

Venetian Room. A fancy and expensive mock-up of the Doge’s Palace, this supper club attracts those couples who appreciate the semi-formal dress requirements and who like to foxtrot to an orchestra before the show. The cover is usually $10 and up a head, and worth it only when you know the performer gives a dynamite show. The service reminds one of Brennan’s – friendly and attentive at its best, lackadaisical and downright surly at its worst. A good spot to catch big-name acts. Mon-Sat 7pm-2am. Shows Mon-Thur 8: 30 & 11, Fri & Sat 9& 11: 30. AE, DC, MC, V. Fairmont Hotel, Ross & Akard. 748-5454.

da Vinci. Plush, hi-tech disco catering to models, well-heeled jetsetters, and those who’d like to identify as such. Also a mecca for fashionable foreigners, often more sheik than chic. Membership requirement has been dropped. Mon-Fri 4: 30-2, Sat & Sun 7-2. AE, DC, MC, V. 7402 Greenville. 369-5445.

Whiskey Box. Consistently fine bands set this bar apart from other rock clubs. Typical shoot pool, drink beer atmosphere, good musical variety, even some occasional reggae. Tue-Sat 8-2. 6844 Twin Hills. 369-2577.

Whiskey River. Decorated in rustic western style and resembling a corral, it usually features – what else? – progressive country acts. Daily 8-2. Cover varies. AE, MC, V. 5421 Greenville. 369-9221.

The White Elephant. Located in the recentlyrevived Stockyards District in Fort Worth, thisplace looks like what all non-Texans think realTexas bars should be – lots of rough wood, along bar, and a clientele occasionally decked outin Western attire. Entertainment provided bysinger-guitarist Don Edwards. Mon-Sat 11-2.Closed Sun. MC. 106 E Exchange, Fort Worth.(817)624-0271.



Amon Carter Museum. Through Jan 20: Photography by Edward Weston from the museum’s permanent collection with emphasis on two recent acquisitions of Weston’s early works. From Jan 24: “Posada’s Mexico. ” Major exhibition of prints and drawings by this social and political Mexican artist. Tue-Sat 10-5,Sun 1-5. 3501 Camp Bowie, Fort Worth. (817) 738-1933.

Dallas Public Library. Jan 9-31: “A Glimpse of Henderson, Texas, at the Turn of the Century. ” Exhibit of store ledgers, photos, and other records from the library’s rare book collection. First level showcase. From Jan 22: “The Polish Poster Show, ” includes original posters from 35 graphic artists from Poland. Terrace Room. 1954 Commerce. 748-9071, ex 280.

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. From Jan 16: “Constructivism and the Geometric Tradition: Selections from the McCrory Corporation Collection, ” displays 200 paintings, sculpture, constructions, and drawings by 20th-century European and American artists. Also “Journey into Non-Objectivity: The Graphic Work of Kazimir Malevich and Other Members of the Russian Avant-Garde, ” features lithographs, illustrated books, and posters by Malevich, Pavel Filonov, and Olga Rozanova. Tue-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. Fair Park. 421-4188.

Fort Worth Art Museum. Through Jan 6: “Richard Smith: Recent Work 1972-1977, ” 14 works by the British artist. From Jan 12: Drawings by Martha Alf. Also selections from the permanent collection. Jan 8, 15 A 22: Lecture series, “Critical Comments: Issues in Contemporary Art. ” Call for times. Tue-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. 1309 Montgomery, Fort Worth (817) 738-9215.

Kimbell Art Museum. From Jan 18: “Eighteenth Century Master Drawings from the Ash-molean” include 89 works from the museum at Oxford University. Represented are Italian, French, and English drawings. Tue-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. Will Rogers West, Fort Worth. (817) 332-8451.

NTSU Gallery. Jan 14-25: Exhibit of graphic design by Dallas and Fort Worth advertising artists. Mon-Fri 12-5. Mulberry and Ave A, Den-ton. (817) 788-2398.

SMU University Gallery. Through Jan 6: “David McManaway Retrospective. ” Major exhibition of the artist’s works. From Jan 15: Exhibition of paintings and drawings by contemporary artist Cy Twombly. Mon-Fri 8: 30-5, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. Owen Art Center, Meadows School of the Arts, SMU campus. 692-2516.

UTA Gallery. From Jan 23: Retrospective exhibition of works by Alvar Aalto. Jan 2 at 5: 30 pm: Preview and reception. Mon-Fri 9-4, Sun 1-4. Fine Arts Complex, Cooper at Second St. Arlington. 273-2891.


Adelle M. Fine Art. Through Jan: “Fiber in the Southwest, ” features works by artists Winston Herbert, Maxine McClendon, and Gail and Zachariah Reike. Mon-Fri 9-5. 3317 McKinney. 526-0800.

Allen Street. From Jan 20: “Third Sunday Photography, ” monthly exhibit by local photographers. Tue-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5. 2817 Allen St. 742-5207.

Altermann. Paintings and bronzes by over 75 western and wildlife artists including HarryJackson, Robert Summers, Douglas Ricks, Bob Wolf, J. H. Sharp, John Clymer, and Frank McCarthy. Mon-Fri 9-5, Sal by appt. 2504 Cedar Springs. 745-1266.

Clifford. From Jan 13: Paintings by Wayne Toepp. Mon-Sat 10-5: 30. 6610 Snider Plaza. 363-8223.

Compound Artist’s Co-op. Through Jan: Group show featuring Frank Angona, Angie Brown, Joan Gall, Sara Hudson, Jolene Knight, and B. Frank White. Mon-Sat 10-5. 6615-17 Snider Plaza, No 209. 363-0275.

Conn. Antiques, fine art, Oriental carpets. Services include appraisals, consignment selling, lectures, and classes. From Jan 16: “Learning about Antiques. ” Six-week course Wed evenings from 7-9. $35. Mon-Fri 10-5: 30, Sat 10-noon. 6126 Berkshire l. n. 522-3653.

Contemporary. Through Jan 5: Major exhibit of prints, drawings, and sculpture by Bruno Bruni. From Jan 15: One-man exhibit of paintings by K. Sakai. Mon-Sat 10-5: 30. The Quadrangle, 2800 Routh, No 120. 747-0141.

DW Gallery. From Jan 12: Drawings by Julie Cohn. Also paintings by Lee Smith. Jan 12: Opening reception 6 pm-9 pm. Tue-Sat 11-5. 3305 McKinney at Hall. 526-3240.

David L. Gibson. Through Jan: Etchings by French artist Pierre A. Cluzeau. Mon-Sat 10-5. 2723 Routh. 744-3474.

Delahunty. Through Jan: Recent paintings and drawings by San Antonio artist Robert Tiemann. Tue-Sat 11-5. 2611 Cedar Springs. 744-1346.

Five Hundred Exposition. Through Jan 13: “Second Annual Big Name Invitational, ” includes multi-media works of over 100 artists. From Jan 26: One-woman exhibit of multimedia works by Gilda Pervin. Also group show in upstairs gallery. Tue by appt, Wed & Thur 11-2, Fri & Sat 10-4, Sun 1-4. 500 Exposition Ave. 828-1111.

Florence. Through Jan: Rare showing of oil paintings by Polish artist Wladimir Terlikowski. Mon-Fri 10-4, weekends by appt. 2500 Cedar Springs. 748-6463.

The Fringe Element. Ongoing display of holographic art (three dimensional laser imagery) by several artists. Wed-Sun 12-5. 2727-D Routh. 741-5219.

Kera’s Gallery 13. Through Jan II: Sculpture in cast bronze and aluminum by Hernan Puelma. From Jan 17: Works in textiles and clay, and photography by Mary Hatz-Cirigliana and Ray Cirigliana. Jan 17: Opening night reception, 5 pm-7 pm. Mon-Fri 8-5. 3000 Harry Hines. 744-1300.

Lucy Berman Modern Graphics. Closed Jan 1-13. Reopen with new works by European, American, and South African artists. By appt, days or evenings. 3873 Royal Ln. 357-1687.

Main Arterie. Pottery, jewelry, batiks, and paintings by gallery artisans. Tue-Sat 10-6. 135 S Main, Irving. 259-9642.

Miller-Simonson. Through Jan: Ceramics by Eric Abraham. Raku and porcelain designs by Carol Long. Also outdoor color photography by Virginia Daggett. Mon-Sat 10-5. 217 Preston Royal Shopping Center (NE quadrant). 692-1891.

Peterson. Limited edition prints by Chagall, Calder, Mìró. Mon-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-6. 8315Preston Rd. 361-9403.

Phillips. Through Jan: Exhibition of works by Primitive artists. Mon-Sat 10-5. 2517 Fair-mount. 748-7888.

Southwest II. from Jan 19: Drawings, lithographs, and silkscreens by R. C. Gorman. Tue & Sat 10-6, Wed & Fri 10-9, closed Sun & Mon. 2710 Boll St (1/2 blk east of the Quadrangle). 827-7730.

2719. Through Jan: Exhibit by award-winning printmakers Alyssia Lazin and Penny Brittain. Tue-Sat 11: 30-5, Sun 2-5. 2719 Routh. 748-2094.

Valley House. From Jan 19: 18th-, 19th- and 20th-century prints by European, American, and Japanese master printmakers. Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3, Sun by Appt. 6616 Spring Valley. 239-2441.


SEMINARS, EVENTS, ETC. USA Film Festival Competition. Cash prizes awarded for short films of 16 and 35mm animated, documentary, and experimental films by independent and student film makers. Films must be made by US citizens and completed since May 1, 1979. Also “The Eyes of Texas, ” a non-competitive event, features the best of Texas commercial production. Any I6or 35mm film of commercial, industrial, and educational programming produced by Texans is eligible. All entries must be received by Feb 1. Screenings held March 29 during the annual Film Festival. Call for entry forms. 692-2979.

Wine Tasting and Dinner Party. Jan I9at 7: 30 pm: Sponsored by Krassovska Ballet Jeunesse,the evening includes discussion of each wine, a four-course dinner, and performance by Kras-sovska’s troupe. $15. NorthPark Inn. 423-2916 or 821-4160.


Age of Steam. Several retired trains and a Dallas streetcar are parked on a siding at Fair Park for a walk-through trip into a romantic era of transportation. $1; children under 12, 50¢. Tours offered Sun only, 11-5. Fair Park. 823-9931.

Dallas Health & Science Museum. Planetarium show: 2: 30 & 3: 30 Sat & Sun. Museum hours: Mon-Sat 9-5, Sun 1-5. Fair Park. 428-8451.

Dallas Garden Center. The attractive solarium is one of Dallas’ most interesting retreats on a very hot or very cold day, when you can think green thoughts in the shade of tropical flora. Mon-Fri 10-5; Sat & Sun 2-5. Fair Park. 428-7476.

Dallas Historical Society Museum. Current exhibits include a chronicle of early Dallas neighborhoods, display of early homemade clothing and furniture from Texas, and photo exhibit of Texas prison rodeos. Located in the Hall of State. Mon-Sat 9-5, Sun 1-5. Fair Park. 421-5136.

Dallas Museum of Natural History. This museum mounts an occasional special exhibit of interest, and fossilized remains of prehistoriccreatures continue to awe the crowds. Free. Mon-Sat 9-5, Sun noon-5. Fair Park. 421-2169.

Dallas Zoo. Literally Tor the birds. Although the mammals are the usual restless creatures in cages that seem too small for them, the bird collection is one of the country’s best and certainly the most colorful attraction at this pleasantly laid-out zoo. The reptile house is also interesting. 75¢; children under 12 free if accompanied by adult. 9-6 daily. 621 E Clarendon. 946-5154.

DeGolyer Estate. Spanish Colonial mansion with 43-acre garden built in 1939. Tours available Tue 1-4; Wed, Thur, Fri 10-4. Gardens open daily dawn to dusk. 8525 Garland Rd. 324-1401.

Fair Park Aquarium. This institution is showing its age badly, but the kids will probably be captivated by the variety of underwater creatures on show. Les Hommes de Mer (skin diving club) meets the second Wednesday of each month. Free. Mon-Sat 8-5; Sun & holidays 1-5. Fair Park. 428-3587.

Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. Permanent exhibit, “Laser Technology: Origins, Applications, and Design. ” Each weekend in Jan: “Laser Magic. ” Fri & Sat 7: 30, 9, 10: 30 and midnight; Sun 7: 30 & 9. Planetarium: From Jan 12: “New Thoughts on Ancient Astronauts. ” Sat 11, 2: 30, 3: 30; Sun 2: 30 & 3: 30. Each Sal at 1 pm: Constellation show “Texas Sky. ” Through Jan: “American Images: Documentary Photographs by the Farm Security Administration, 1935-1942. ” Museum admission 50¢ for out-of-county residents. Tar-rani County residents free. Planetarium admission $1. 50 adults, $1 children under 12. Laser Magic show $2. 75. Museum hours: Mon-Sat 9-5, Sun 2-5. 1501 Montgomery, Fort Worth. (817) 732-1631.

Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. 3300 acres, great place for families. Free lours. Mon-Fri 8-5; Sat & Sun 9-5. Lake Worth. (817) 237-1111.

Fort Worth Zoological Park. Mammal collection, aquarium, herpetarium, and tropical bird house. $1. under 12 free. Mon-Fri 9-5: 30, Sat 9-6, Sun 9-6: 30. 2727 Zoological Park, Fort Worth. (817)870-7050.

Pate Museum of Transportation. Features displays on all modes of transportation including automobiles, aircraft, a minesweeper, an antique private railcar, space exhibits, and library. Free. Tue-Sun 9-5. Hwy 377 between Fort Worth and Cresson. (817)332-1161.


Audubon Sanctuary, Mountain Creek Lake. A favorite of local herpetologists, fossil hunters, bird watchers, and botanists. On (he south end of Mountain Creek Lake. 827-6410.

Bachman Lake Park. Woodland and grassland area with many bird species. Bounded by Lemmon, Cochran Chapel, and Northwest Highway.

Dallas City Hall. Completed in 1977, this civic masterpiece features an open design by I. M. Pei: Glass flanks the outer corridor, and a 100-foot atrium rises in its center. Henry Moore’s distinctive sculpture sets off the large plaza out front. Tours available Mon-Fri at l0: 30& 3. On exhibit through April 1980: Art ’79, a juried selection of photography, paintings, and sculpture by Dallas artists. Brochures available for individual walking tours. 1500 Marilla St. Special tours available by calling the Special Events Office Mon-Fri from 8: 15-5: 15. 670-4238 or 670-5396.

Dallas County Historical Plaza. A landscaped, open city block, the focal point of which is the John Neely Bryan house, built in 1841, thefirst in Dallas. Main, Market, and Elm.

Farmer’s Market. The municipal market, selling Texas-grown and some out-of-stale produce. On Sunday mornings, everybody in town seems to be here; the only drawbacks are the scanty parking and people who insist on driving into the barns; just ignore the carbon monoxide fumes and concentrate on the plentiful pickings, usually available at considerable savings. Daily dawn to dusk. 1010 S Pearl. 748-2082.

Fort Worth Japanese Garden. Traditional Japanese water gardens includes waterfall, cascade, teahouse, a moon viewing deck, arch bridge, pagoda, and meditation garden. $1 adults, children under 12 free if accompanied by adult. Tue-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. Trinity Park, off Botanic Garden Dr, Fort Worth.

Greenhills. An 800-acre preserve offering nature trails, wildflower stands, and swimming. Owned by Fox & Jacobs. On Danieldale near Cedar Hill. Call ahead. 296-1955.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Plaza. A sacred place with a simple cenotaph surrounded by open green space. Designed by Philip Johnson, architect of the Fort Worth Water Gardens and Dallas’ Thanks-Giving Square. Commerce, Market, and Main.

Kiest Park. Area abounding with fossils and a wide variety of wildlife. Kiest and South Hampton.

L. B. Houston Park and Nature Area. Inhabited by beavers, opossum, gray foxes, and other wildlife. On Tom Braniff off Route 144 near Texas Stadium.

Old City Park. Restored 19th-century buildings, including a mansion, museum, church, and store. Lunch is available Tue-Fri at 11: 30, 12: 15, 1: 00. Buildings open Tue-Fri 10-4; Sat & Sun 1: 30-4: 30. Grounds open from dawn to dusk. Adults $1; under 12 and over 65, 50¢. 1717 Gano. 421-5141.

Reunion Tower. This landmark provides a spectacular view of the city from the revolving observation deck. Open daily 11 am-2 am. The ride up is now free. Reunion Plaza, 300 Reunion Blvd.

Samuell East Park. Virgin prairie land populated by a large variety of prairie birds; it also contains a farm museum. 1-20 at Belt Line.

Swiss Avenue. Dallas’ first historic district, a tree-lined boulevard of residences built in the 1900’s, representing 16 architectural styles, including Prairie Style, Italian Renaissance, and Georgian Revival. Tours available. 826-7402.

Thanks-Giving Square. A purposely sacred space in the middle of downtown, framed by three brass bells and a spiraling chapel. Its genius too derives from architect Philip Johnson’s sensitivity to the sights and sounds of water, from the quiet trickle of the reflecting pools to the roar of the “Great Fountain. ” Each Sun at 3 pm, religious programs including music and choral interpretations of the Psalms. Each Wed &Thur at 12: 15 musical and dance groups presented. Mon-Fri 10-5; Sat, Sun, & holidays 1-5. Bryan, Ervay. and Akard. 651-1777.

Turtle Creek Boulevard. The banks of thecreek draw sunbathers and picnickers, while the boulevard provides a tree-lined view of colorfully landscaped Highland Park homes. Follow Turtle Creek Boulevard north from Cedar Springs Road.

Union Station. Dallas’ original train station (c. 1914)has been restored and listed in the National Register of Historic Places. (At one time as many as 85 passenger trains a day pulled into this terminal. ) Daily 10 am-midnight. 400 S Houston. 747-2355.


Basketball – Dallas Diamonds. Women’s Professional Basketball League. Dallas Convention Center Arena. All games begin at 7: 30 pm. Tickets $5. 50-$6. 50; $4 general admission; under 18 $1 off. For tickets: 363-9311; for further information: 980-7125.

Jan 3 vs. Houston Angels

8 vs. St. Louis Streak

Basketball – SMU Mustangs. Moody Coliseum. 7: 30 pm. Tickets $5-$6. 692-2901.

Jan 5 vs. Texas

15 vs. Texas A&M

19 vs. TCU

26 vs. Texas Tech

Basketball – TCU Horned Frogs. Daniel Meyer Coliseum, Fort Worth. All games 7: 30 pm except Jan 12 at 2 pm. Tickets $4 adults, $3 ages 18 and under. (817) 921-7967.

Jan 3 vs. Texas A&M

8 vs. Arkansas

12 vs. Texas Tech

22 vs. Houston

30 vs. Rice

Basketball – NTSU Eagles. The Coliseum, Denton. 7: 30 pm. Tickets $3-$3. 50, $2 ages 18 and under. (817)788-2662.

Jan 24 vs. Pan American

28 vs. Hardin-Simmons

Basketball – UTA Mavericks. Texas Hall, Arlington, 7: 30 pm. Tickets $2, $1 ages 18 and under. (817)273-2261.

Jan 10 vs. LeTourneau

12 vs. NTSU

14 vs. Houston Baptist

21 vs. Southwestern Louisiana

28 vs. McNeese State

Hockey – Dallas Black Hawks. Fair Park Coliseum. All games begin at 7: 30 pm. Tickets $3-$6. 565-0362.

Jan 8 vs. Houston

11 vs. Cincinnati

12 vs. Indianapolis

16 vs. Salt Lake City

18 vs. U. S. Olympic Team

19 vs. Fort Worth

22 vs. Tulsa

Hockey – Fort Worth Texans. Will Rogers Coliseum. 7: 30 pm. Tickets $3. 50-$5. 50. (817) 332-1585.

Jan 3 vs. Tulsa

5 vs. Dallas

10 vs. Cincinnati

11 vs. Indianapolis

16 vs. U. S. Olympic Team

17 vs. Salt Lake City

Rodeo – Southwestern Fat Stock Show.Jan 23-Feb 3. Parade Jan 25 at 2 pm. Will Rogers Coliseum. Tickets $5-$6. Call for times. (817) 335-9346.


Dog Show. Jan 26 at 2 pm: Performance by Dallas Obedience Training Club Drill Team dogs. Free. Casa View Branch Library, 10355 Ferguson. 748-9071, ex 287.

Kathy Burks Marionettes. Through Jan: Puppet performance of Sleeping Beauty with music from Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Ballet. Thur-Sat 10: 30, 1 & 4. $1. 50. Group rates and times by reservation. Haymarket Theatre, Olla Podrida. 233-1958.

Origami Demonstration. Jan 26 at 3 pm:Learn the ancient Oriental art of paper folding.Free. Call to register. Walnut Hill BranchLibrary, 9495 Marsh Ln. 357-8434.

Visit from the Zoo. Jan 26 at 3 pm: Representative from the Dallas Zoo brings live snakesfollowed by slide show. Free. Audelia RoadBranch Library, 10045 Audelia. 748-9071, ex287.

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