Wednesday, May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024
76° F Dallas, TX
Leading Off

Leading Off (8/17/12)


Dallas Would Like an Olympics, Please. A summer one, in 2024. Because the North Texas area is so very nice and comfortable in August, right Tim? Also, I need a mock-up of what a Dallas Opening Ceremonies would look like, pronto.

Rockwall PD Disposes of Grenade at Nursing Home. So, I’m by no means an expert, but here’s a tip anyway: If you see a grenade in a box, you should not pull the pin out. I saw this on the TV several times, and at least twice in a movie, so I know what I’m talking about.

Scammers Flattening Tires in Duncanville. So if you notice your tire is flat, and then someone comes up and offers to help you out with that, you might want to think twice. Which is a shame, because there are genuinely nice people out there. But these guys? They aren’t them.

Remarkably Polite Would-Be Robber Hits Two Dallas Banks. Guy walks into the Chase Bank on Hillcrest in University Park, hands a teller a note, she tells him no, so he politely leaves and heads to a second location, and tries again. No word so far on how that one went down.

Clean Out Your Stupid Pools. OK, everyone everywhere has said their opinion about this whole Duet raining down from the sky thing. So I’m just going to point you to two things, and then let my head spin around off my shoulders. For one, is it merely a coincidence that some of the hardest hit areas of the county are also where people who are known to overwater with impunity? And second, if you are going to move out or can’t take care of your pool, drain it and clean it, instead of setting up a perfect incubator for mosquitoes to breed and then spread disease. And Dallas, can we please come up with a better reason for not doing what Carrollton is doing, other than (and this is a summarization), “sorry, we’re busy planning our aerial assault?”

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