Saturday, April 20, 2024 Apr 20, 2024
69° F Dallas, TX

Dog Names Better Than Story



DMN Makes Mike Hashimoto a Metro Columnist

Mike Hashimoto has been around at the Dallas Morning News forever. Something like 30 years, I think. He's been a member of the paper's editorial board for a while. And a few days ago, DMN editor Mike Wilson introduced him as a new Metro columnist. You might not have known, but should if you give his first column a cursory glance, that Hash is married to Jacqueline Floyd, who is also a DMN Metro columnist. Tim and I got to talking about this the other day, and we decided it raised an interesting conundrum for Wilson.
Local News

What I’m Truly Thankful For This Holiday Season

It's been kind of a rough end of the year here on FrontBurner. There have been more than few brushfires in the comments, and I have to admit that, more often than not, I came running in with a can of kerosene instead of doing anything constructive. This is our last week in the office before the holiday break, and I wanted to make sure, before we go, that we are all kind of back on the same page. I don't want any hurt feelings to poison 2016. I had some time to myself this weekend, and I wrote this (admittedly pretty earnest) post regarding what I love about the FrontBurner community. Don't make too much fun of me.



A Few More Thoughts On New Observer Editor Joe Pappalardo

After I wrote very briefly yesterday about my former colleague and new Dallas Observer editor Joe Pappalardo, I got a few emails and had conversations with a couple of in-the-know people. I also did a bit of thinking last night. Rather than hop into the comments of the previous post, I thought I'd share some new thoughts on the matter here.
Local News

Morning News Snubs Jim Schutze, Ctd.

After Tim's post on Friday about Observer columnist Jim Schutze's appearing to have been purposely omitted from a bit about his son, Will, there was a fair amount of discussion in the comments. I thought it was a good idea to make sure it didn't get lost there. First up is longtime DMN staffer Doug Swanson:

How Has Mike Wilson Been Doing So Far At the Morning News?

DMN editor Mike Wilson has been on the job now, and last month saw his biggest impact on the paper so far, with the departure of a gang of long-time staffers, including columnist Steve Blow. So I thought it was a good time to assess how he's done since he took over.
Local News

New DMN Managing Editor Has a Dog Named ‘Boo Radley,’ Which Is a Better Name Than Story

Someone who knows a thing or two about a thing or two has informed me that new Morning News managing editor Robyn Tomlin has a dog named Boo Radley. Is that a great name for a dog? Not really. Kind of shouts "hey, I read books and stuff!" a little defensively (and unimaginatively -- oh, really, you like To Kill a Mockingbird? What are your thoughts on breathing?). But, that said, it's a way better name for a dog than Story, which is what Morning News editor Mike Wilson named his dog. I guess maybe he thought it was too pretentious to name his dog Manual Typewriter or H.L. Mencken or Strunk and/or White. Whatever. Here's a ton more names that are better for a dog than Story.

More Better Names For a Dog Than ‘Story’

Quick recap: new Dallas Morning News editor Mike Wilson has a dog, and because he's bad at naming things, he saddled that (I'm assuming) sweet, adorable dog with the name "Story." Here are more good names for a dog, all of them better than Story, which is a very bad name for a dog. STORY!